Hey Blues Guys...


New member
Hello all,
Just wondering what the fellow blues musicians/engineers are using for mic's these days. What's your favorite mic, or mic(s), you use for a live performance. What's your favorite mic(s) you use for recording vocals, acoustic guitar, etc. in the studio?
Sm58 for live vocal……beta 58 is growing on me though.
AT4033 for vocal…….thinking about getting a RODE NTK
I just tracked a harmonica part for a blusey tune using the Sennheiser 609. (the flat mic) Ran it to a Focusrite Trackmaster. I crancked up the "toob" and got a great sound.
FWIW I'm real happy with my drum sound for blues. It has less to do with the mics and position (I know these things are important) but finding the right drums. I'm using an old 60's set of Ludwig drums with standard white heads. Just as the right guitar can make a great track so can the right drums, or can ruin the track. I'm also using the 4033 fpr a lot of vocals too.
Sweet. Yeah I'm interested on how to get a good Harp sound. So far I've been trying to mic certian old tube amps but I havn't found the right combo yet for harp. I just got ahold of an old ampeg gemini II amp so I'll give that a try next. Do you also run your vocals through the trackmaster?
Hello. I am a working harp player from Chicago. Good tone isn't going to come from an amp or mic. It's gonna come from your mouth and throat. The old guys used whatever they could get there hands on, and some of the sweetest sounding harp I've ever heard came thru a shure wireless setup going right thru the pa. However, at least 90% of the harp players I've heard and know don't have the technique to use this method. So to make up for a lack of technique a good tube amp and a harp mic will work wonders. Crystal element mics, such as the astatics jt30, are by far the most popular and sound the best in my opinion. Match one of those up to a good tube amp, like any bassman or super reverb and you have a big honkin set up. Good smaller amps especially for recording are princeton reverbs and the blues jr. There are tons of different amps and harmonica mics out there to try but the ones I mentioned are probably the most popular and readily available. Personally I use jt30's, an old EV 605 or an sm57 with either the PA, a bassman reissue or a 68' super reverb prepared for harp. Hope this is of some help.
For harp, I have an original Shure 520. Even straight into the board, it growls. For guitars, a vintage amp helps. I just did a blues band where the guitarist used a Fender Tweed and a 60's SilverTone amps. Very authentic sound. I used an MD-441 tight on the grills and a AKG-C-1000 back 18" and blended. I liked it anyway.
On harp, I know diddly, unless it's a real harp. For blues vocals, I like a good tube mic. NTK and AKG Solidtube have served me well in that role. Here's a blues lead vocal I did with an NTK into a Joemeek twinQcs. No reverb, light compression at 2:1, fairly well close mic'd.- Click on "Po' Cat Blues"- Richie

Funny how my mics don't really care too much what style of music they're mic'ing up.

Whether it's blues or polka, they still do their thing without putting up too much of a fuss. Sometimes I wish they'd be a little pickier -- like maybe if they'd go on strike when the rap guys come in here, but no such luck as of yet. :D I'll keep you posted, though.