heres what i want to do


New member
allright basically i want to record me doing a short guitar strumming intro, i know how to do that, fair enough...what i want to do is be able to voice over it, and say something different each i dont really know what tools to use to do it...i have audacity and am somewhat familiar with, i could be able to use that for all i know...just kinda point me in the right direction?

what ill be using for the recording is an Olympus DS-2 Recorder, i know its not professional quality or anything, but i get 128kbps, so im not complainin.
i started my audio adventures with coold edit pro, it's a prog offering you panel for editing audio files and multitrack panel to mix them + bunch of neat filters.
but i whink you can get used to any software after some time
i figured it out right after i made the post, as i usually if an admin wants to delete this thread they can go right ahead...i would myself but theres no such option....sad how we cant delete our own threads.