Here's another song for you to crucify


New member
It was recorded mixed and mastered by the same studio.(Cheapo-Bottom Dollar Studios-The WalMart of Recording Studios). This guy actually did a whole album for me, but he was just fresh out of training somewhere and he was using some obsolete equipment. This ones about 2 years old and compressed into 160 kbps mp3.

I've listened to the separate tracks and he has apparently added a flange to the vocals..............I don't know why.........but it makes it different.
dantell said:
but I want the mix and mastering critiqued. So..............which hand is the peanut in?

But it's an MP3, so..................

Anyway, Same problems as the last one Dantell. Except this time the vocal is right heavy instead of left heavy. Same weird hollow phasey sound, and distortion in all the wrong places. I actually think the songs are pretty good, but the production is not.
so what are you trying to say

Cross Posting..............hmmm.........that sounds like a made up term. I suppose I want more opinions of the Mixing and Mastering in here and I want the opinion of the overall song in the Mp3 section. Does everyone that hits this forum check out the mp3 forum? Or does everyone who hits the mp3 forum go to this one? I doubt it. I'm not selling anything so I have nothing and everything to gain and anyone who listens has nothing to lose except maybe 4 to 5 minutes of your time(25 if you have dial-up). I know I can't replace those lost minutes, but if your doing this at work, you are actually getting paid while listening. So at worst it's a break-even thing. Thanks for your opinion.
Everyone who wants to / has time to critique MP3's - Style, recording, mixing, instrumentation, mastering, etc., goes to the MP3 clinic to do so.
dantell said:
Cross Posting..............hmmm.........that sounds like a made up term.
Yes, it is a "made up" term. As are all terms. This one was made up many, many years ago. Back before they even had bulletin boards.

Does everyone that hits this forum check out the mp3 forum?
I do.
Or does everyone who hits the mp3 forum go to this one?
I do.
I doubt it.
I don't.

I am more than happy to offer feedback on your song, mix, or master. I just don't like seeing it here, and then also seeing it over on the MP3 section. One place is enough for me.
okay I will abide by the new rules

A weekend off! Here I sit, the entire evening burned away, and I have accomplished nothing. That I was hovering on the brink of succumbing to this flu-like thing all week may have something to do with my malaise this evening. I have been ignoring the urge to post here because I have felt nothing worthy of sharing. So much to do, and so little time… tomarrow, my Mom and Paul’s B-Day will be celebrated, and I have yet to shop for either. First, I need to tackle some household chores. The whole concept of organization in recording has escaped my doings at home over the past couple of months. I have tidied up here and there, but overall my desktop and surroundings are in need of major attention. “Chaos is optional,” is a quote I like (not sure who said it....don't really care). In my case, chaos has become more like the word of the year. Luckily, all of by bills are set up to be paid automatically - I just watch the money disappear from my account. Being a hermit has its benefits. Nobody sees the clothes hanging about my studio or the kitty hair build-up on the drapes and my Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier head. Hermitage also has its downfalls: nobody to tidy up for, a lackadaisical attitude toward my surroundings, and I sink deeper into the abyss of “the single guy” role every day. Were I to fall into some kind of meaningful relationship at this point, I would soon either: a) run screaming into the nearest deep forest, or b) smother them to the point that they would do the same. Not a winning proposition on either front. My sister’s recent marriage has made me more conscious of my singledom (not a word, I know). For a lot of years we commiserated with each other about our relationship problems, or the lack of candidates for relationships in our lives. Now, she is happily married and has been contentedly in this relationship for several years. It’s not that there haven’t been women willing to take the reigns and plan a life for me. That is the point. I was not willing to have my future planned for me, or someone telling me what direction our lives would take together. I was like a cornered animal when faced with someone telling me how it was going to be. Today, I would like to be a willing participant in a mutual dream for the future. However, the prospects of someone being able to tolerate my self-centeredness and prior-relationship-damaged self are probably not good. That it took me nearly 39 years to figure out what was important to me in life does not help matters any. For now, I will concentrate on getting my surroundings a little organized and try to focus more on tomarrow and less on my expectations. I just woke up and realized I'm married with 3 kids and the nightmare of re-recording tracks has me dreaming of less responsibility and more time to record. Wow that was weird.

Dantell's quote for the day "My expectations are my disability."
You got balls Dantell

and determination.

that will suffice sooner or later, as soon as we and especially you figure out what the hell it is you want !

As I was Reading the "Homerecording BBS Book of Posting Etiquiette" It does state under Section C2-783 that "Thou shalt not post multiple 'like' posts in mutliple posting areas as to secure a spamming income greater than that of a dollar or you will be branded a "CrossPoster PosterChild for CrossPosting" and could possibly ruin your chance of anyone responding and you will make some people mad"
So I stand corrected. Sorry guys, it won't happen again.
In other Dantell News:okay Pipelineaudio, what I want is nothing but opinions on a few mixes. You become biased to your own music and additional ears may hear something that you don't and critique is very valuable so I might turn out a better sounding product. Maybe one day I'll actually finish an albums worth of material. "Opinions" whether good or the final product.