Here's a pic of my room...Treatment Recommendations please!!!!!!


New member
i'm wondering where is the best place to place my mic
....i was thinkin of the corner where the a/c vent is located...and just pad up the walla in that area with some foam for echo resistance.....wat do u guys think? pls excuse my lack of knowledge on i am about to set up for the first time....just got my equipment


Is the pic to scale?

If not could you put the room into sketchup, keep it simple.

Then we could help more, we can respond with treatment ideas in sketchup if you post the file, it gives better visual reference.

How much are you planning on spending?

Is this a hobby, or are you making a serious go at a demo/album?

What mics are you using?

Cardioid? Omni?

I hope we can help! :D
Yes - it would be nice to at least have some dimensions so we know what we're dealing with.

A couple of other things before you start treating -

- you really want symmetry in front of you in the room. Moving more toward the center will help.

- If at all possible, rearrange the space so you can fire the speakers down the long dimension of the room. This will give you a lot more flexibility

For treatments, you need to control:

- Broadband bass
- Early reflections off the side walls and ceiling
- Boundary issues from speakers close to wall
- Nulls off the rear wall.

Throwing some foam up is going to do a poor job for most of those. Investigate some real treatments or if you're going to DIY, consider using mineral wool or OC703 fiberglass (or equivalent)

Foam has very poor properties in the bottom end (even the decent stuff). You'll end up with a lot of high frequency absorbtion and no control in the bottom yielding a very unbalanced sounding room.
