Here's a new one


New member
I'm getting close on it I hope. I've been working on this one whenever I get a spare fifteen minutes of peace around here, so it's been a while in the making. Anyway, let me know what you think. There are a couple of things that really bother me about it, but I'm curious to see what others think.
Right Click Save As Here

PS. It's just a 128kbps file, but it should give you the idea.
is there something wrong with the link? when I click on i it comes up with "page cannot be displayed"
right you are

yup it works, sorry I'm just dense and was trying to do it the wrong way.

anyways, to your song. goddam the production quality is AWESOME. That's the first thing that struck me anyway - it's got a real pro sheen to it. As far as the music goes, it sounds kinda like metallica, or linkin park to some degree - not my favorite bands by any stretch, but still I can respect the song as well written and well played (is that you on ALL the instruments bro????!!!) - also are the drum sequence or is that just some kickass bass-kick pedal work? I've only ever met one other guy who could hit the kick that fast . . . the songs got a good dynamic, which owes alot to the great production. so yeah, I wouldn't go out and buy it cos it's not really my thing, but dam it sounds great, and really cohesive too considering you say you recorded it in spare moments.

wicked bro, kep the good stuff rolling
Thanks for making the second effort to listen. Yeah, It's me on everything, but the drums were programmed using DrumkitFromHell and the DR008 sampler. I love that setup, as it gives me flexibility I never had before regarding my drums. A real Drumkit would not be feasible here.
I'm glad you like the tune, even if it isn't your cup of tea.
Thanks for listening.
Not really my "style" either but I'm a sucker for great sounding drums and I think you have it.

Really nice mix and the instruments are tracked well.....I was waiting for some killer lead out of the guitar....probably the only thing lacking at this point.

Nice Job!