Here is a short piece for you Emeric.....

someone else

New member
It isn't anything special, but you asked to hear something by the Upstate guy, so I thought you might like this,.....

Very simple, and no special add-ons, just me,and my Martin 12 string.....with a little bit of effects, some reverb, and slight delay......

Quick recording this afternoon.

Any comments are welcome....


Song titled,..... Turnin Green
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Is the link this?

I only get the option to stream hi-fi which my modem just can't handle!

I hear a 1/2 second at a time. Makes it difficult.

Upload to to!

I really want to check it out. I can stream lo-fi but I much prefer to download mp3.

Damn modems. :)

Now everyone's editing... your link still doesn't work.. mine does though! :) upload it to nowhereradio. Artist launch doesn't seem to allow anything but Hi-Fi Stream.
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Okee Dokee,.....

It is up-loading to Nowhere, as I am writing this, ,
Checked off all the options, so you should be able to download it.


Also a note,

There are some words to this, and a bit more guitar work,
I will modify at another time.
It is my very first attempt at doing this.
Listening to it on Artist Launch as I type.

Man- I wish I could transport you to my shabby studio, oh so many miles to the southwest.

Even with the background noise that I'm plagued with, I'm certain I could've captured the awesome shimmering sound of that 12-string much closer to the way it sounded when you played it.

On a gross level all I can say (from the oodles of shit I've learned since hangin' out here) to improve the recording would be to back off the mic a tad.

I went thru a DOD GS30 pedal, into my Trace, and went direct from the line out to my sound card, a semi decent Soundblaster Live/ Value, and mixed with N-Track, then used the soundblaster software to convert to MP3, then posted....... Must be I had the volume turned up too far in the soundcard software....
As I said in the note, I will modify, and add the words at a later date,...... When I get proficiant enuf with the whole deal.....
Thanks for given it a listen anyway....:D

Upstate :D
This is a nice tune. Real soothing. As I was listening, it reminded me of my school days when I used to listen to a guy name Alex Degrasse (I think thats the name). I used to love listening to that. Good tune.
Yeah that was a pretty decent song, upstage. Like the doctor I'd also like to hear a better recording. I think it would really bring it to life. What was that delay/reverb you were using? It was distracting instead of enhancing. Like the song though. Any chance of a re-recording?
Delay thing,..

Yeah Rats, I just tried something, and being the very first attempt at using this software, and first time ever pluging anything into my sound card....

I def. will b Fine tuning it a bit, before posting again..... But, not too bad for a first attempt...

Let's see how much it improves with some helpful comments.....:D

Upstate :D
Hey, Steve - You and LISlim have me going now, dammit.

I liked the tune - a lot. Nice, simple hook; like bobbo said, reminiscent of a DeGrassi feeling. Soothing. Your touch sounds light and consistent. No finger picks, I'll wager.

Do you have an undersaddle pickup on that guitar? I was hearing what sounded like a piezo edge that was distracting. Might have been the reverb, doodads and so forth, but the clean tone of that particular guitar will beat anything you can do with an after effect. I didn't spend enough time with it, but when you put a D35-12, a mic and a fingerstylist together in the same room, well, everyone just stops talking.

I'd really like to hear that tune done with a condenser, and just as clean as you can get the signal path.
I am gonna try to clean it up a bit, and re-submit it, but thanks for all the comments guys, You all here are who really got me started back into this recording thing,......
It is , and can be a very exiting way for any one to express themselves.....

I am gonna try a whole bunch of stuff, now that I have a way to do it.

However primitive the connection is, I am doin it, and it can only get better with practice,....

Thanks everyone.....:D
Upstate :D
Great tune!

Man! I love the song and the playing. I can't wait to hear what you will put out once you get more proficient with the recording gear! Keep it up!!!
Nice song, nice playing UpstateNY. I can tell that's a great sounding guitar. It could really benefit from a retracking though, as I'm sure you know. Very nice, look forward to hearing more!
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Thanks Emeric,....
It really makes it different having so many experienced folks able to help tweak a recording, give advice, and who care enough about this stuff to want to become a community, and share the whole thing,.....

Thats whut I'mmm talkin bout....

Man what luck, to live in a time when this stuff is becoming available,....
To be able to have someone you've never actually met,
putting a track down on a recording,...or helping thru a BBS, such as this one....!

I'm sure it will make us all stronger, in some way , the sharing of this form of expression,..

Music, .....who woulda thought,....

The internet,.....
who woulda thought,...

Upstate :D
Ok Upstate, this song brings me RIGHT back to Slim's back-yard deck! The airy sound of which each note evokes a certain passion
of freedom and happiness. (Yeah,Yeah. I know that was corny,but
that's how the song made me feel). Cut back a wee bit on the delay and slap a tiny,tad of mid-range and you've got it!!!!
BTW, I recorded this onto to a CDR (along with other songs here)
which I've simply titled "Peaceful Bliss". I now play it whenever I'm stressed out Miss you and the fella's
and this beautiful song brings me right back to the weekend of July 28th!

Peace,Brutha' Steve!!
Mr.Q:cool: :cool: :cool: