Here is a rough mix of a tune I’m working on. Mix Feedback appreciated! Just posted new mix.

Yah I second centering the vocal and hopefully it will pop out a bit more. I think that will take care of the guitar on the left also
That’s the thing. The vocals are panned center. However they came in as a stereo bus with both sides of the bus panned L & R but the vocal tracks were panned center. I’m mixing through my console and the stem comes back with the pans far L and R but the tracks are centered in the DAW. When I reset the pans on my console to center it immediately made the vocals centered and louder. I have not experienced this issue working with stems before. I do have to tracks of the original vocal printed with different plugins on each one so I was wondering if I somehow did something to cause a weird comb filtering effect of phasing? I don’t really get it though. I may ditch the vocal bus and bring them back on separate tracks?
That’s the thing. The vocals are panned center. However they came in as a stereo bus with both sides of the bus panned L & R but the vocal tracks were panned center. I’m mixing through my console and the stem comes back with the pans far L and R but the tracks are centered in the DAW. When I reset the pans on my console to center it immediately made the vocals centered and louder. I have not experienced this issue working with stems before. I do have to tracks of the original vocal printed with different plugins on each one so I was wondering if I somehow did something to cause a weird comb filtering effect of phasing? I don’t really get it though. I may ditch the vocal bus and bring them back on separate tracks?
Yah that’s weird. I take it that visually on the daw it shows a centred vocal but through my quad core ear buds it’s not. Good luck fixing that. Maybe taking everything off the vocal and starting from scratch will get you where you want it
Maybe disable the plug ins one at a time to see if you can find the culprit
Yah that’s weird. I take it that visually on the daw it shows a centred vocal but through my quad core ear buds it’s not. Good luck fixing that. Maybe taking everything off the vocal and starting from scratch will get you where you want it
Maybe disable the plug ins one at a time to see if you can find the culprit
That’s what I did with the drums which also helped a lot!
What DAW are you using? I know in Reaper there are some weird things that happen if the "Pan Law" is set differently... I hear the Vocal in my Right Ear (other than the Ooh ooh parts).
Blind Man Drivin A Van. I’ve been struggling a little with the drums and guitars and intro on this one.
View attachment 140389

Well I’m going to be blunt - this is the wrong style of music for you - you voice is good - but it doesn’t work with the instrumentation -
then there is the ‘sound’ of the the instruments - back the high end off - and increase the low end on the bass - and start the mix with Drums -
get them sound right - then bring in the bass and create the sonic space between the bass and drums - then bring in the vocals - and make them sound
as good as your can (they do sound good - I’d say right on the money) - then rethink the guitars - write different parts - less screaming guitar more groove oriented -
and then mix them into the soup and see what it sounds like then.
Well I’m going to be blunt - this is the wrong style of music for you - you voice is good - but it doesn’t work with the instrumentation -
then there is the ‘sound’ of the the instruments - back the high end off - and increase the low end on the bass - and start the mix with Drums -
get them sound right - then bring in the bass and create the sonic space between the bass and drums - then bring in the vocals - and make them sound
as good as your can (they do sound good - I’d say right on the money) - then rethink the guitars - write different parts - less screaming guitar more groove oriented -
and then mix them into the soup and see what it sounds like then.
I appreciate blunt, thanks. Also, I’m not the singer on this track. It a song I wrote, so I’m not sure what you mean by the wrong style of music for me? It’s my music, how is that wrong for me?
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