Here goes uh something


New member
Very new at recording....used soley on a PC and CEP. Drums are from a Keyboard I had lying around...the rest is me.

this link has 3 songs...
Metqaul time (my metal/aggressive rock tune)
Come Home (I need to learn how to sing)
Alvin's chat box( a silly thing i did for some friends)

Please let me know what you think....
And be brutally honest...please
.... well i checked out the last two songs, come home and alvin's chat box. I thought that overall mix was pretty quiet, they could probably come up a bit. The vocals in come home, well weren't good in my humble opinion. Find a singer man. There were way too many effects on them as well. Alvin's chat box was kindof cool, again the vocals weren't the best but it kindof went with the song. It had that bob dylan feel where you payed more attention to the lyrics than to the pitch of the vocals. How long have you been playing guitar for? what modlel of guitar are you using?
I listened to Come Home because you criticized your voice and so I was curious.

I don't think it's that bad. An interesting bluesy/classic rock quality to it. Maybe do take some voice classes or something, and work on your phrasing a bit. I'm no pro, this is just my opinion. Luckily none of us are vying for American Idol. But rock vocals can be more wide-ranging, in my opinion. And more interesting.

Things sound sort of out of time on this tune, but with a little fixing it could be nice.

Thanks for the link!

I certainly agree regarding the vocals...I also have a piece of crap mic, not that, that would make my voice any better.
Metqal time is an instrumental...and after hearing a few"Metal" tunes on here....I think Hard Rock would be more accurate...
Funny, of the 3, the one I really wanted feedback on is the one you didn't get to!

Thanks for the feedback...I would like to get better, and the only way, is to know what needs improvement.
Thanks Mistur!
I noticed Come Home is a bit out of sync also in places, but again, I am arookie, and am learning CEP. The drum beat i chose is also a bit funky, but it seemed to fit...

Please check out "metal Time"...and lemme know...
This is a very cool site....!!!!!
I have been playing close to 20 years...self taught...
Only really took it seriously the last 5 or so, trying to push myself to get better..
I play an Alvarez PD100wPG. I also have a 1967 Guild Starfire Hollowbody. I play these thru a Crate GTX212.
For recording, I use CEP and my PC...I just upgraded my soundcard to a 24 bit USB soundblaster.
I am really finding there is a lot of talent out there, and some that is..well, not.
Regarding Recording, I really need to discipline myself to make it good, and on leads to have a better plan.
And singing...well, maybe I will try lessons and see if there is any hope...otherwise....know any good singers?

did you listen to Metal time? It is actually more of a hard rock vocals.
hey cramer
I just checked out the metal song you have uploaded. I can finally hear it now that the net traffic has died down a bit here. Pretty cool stuff man. it seem that you have the basics down, now is the time that you will see that recording really is an art just as much as it is a science.... there are many perameters you can adjust and improve on with more time you spend on your projects.

for this song:
I found the drum beat was well done. mixed well.
The rhythem and lead guitars were "fighting' to me. they were hard for me to hear the distinctness of each.
One piece of critcism that i really thing you should take is the timing of your mix... i don't know if it's a performance thing or if the tracks just got bungled up or what but around the 1 minute mark you can definately hear that the rhythm guitar and drums are not in sync. .

As for the guitars... man i'de like to jam on that guild!! a sweet axe. I think learning some new voicings for your lead guitar playing would increase your performance by 1000%. i found the soloing to get a bit monotonous, as if you were just playing the same few notes over and over. Try to fit a melody of some sort into the song at the beginning and then expand on it. Maybe lay a basic melody down for the song, then record another track with expanded guitar riffs and mix the two however you like. Also, try copying your lead guitar track, and pasting a copy into another track. THen pan each far left and right (as in pan one far left and one far right), finally put a very small delay on one. This is a cool trick i like to do in cool edit that has a cool effect.

Good luck on your next mix. message me if you post new/remixed verision up ok?


Great feedback! thanks...i will try the "pan right/left" trick.
I am so new to recording, it is an art in itself!
many moons ago I had a Fostex 4 track, and played with that.
I never seemrd to have a sync issue like i am having using the PC..Not sure if its me, or the equipment.

Regarding a melodic lead, build it up, to a climax....yup, you nailed it.
My next effort will be to figure out a nice lead, note for note. then try your suggestion.

Thanks Again!