

New member
Can somebody please help me? I've had Cubase Version 3.7 for about a month and a half now and I'm having a number of problems. First of all when I open up Cubase I hear pops and ticks. When I play back anything I recorded, it will play back for a little while then it will completely drop out and I won't hear any sound at all. Also when I'm in record enable mode if the little light on the left hand side of the screen is lit that says In 1L or In 1R I will get a looping effect with whatever sound is going into the computer that just gets gradually louder and louder. Is it a sound card issue, a setup problem or what? Please help. Thanks.
Yes it does sound like a sdcd issue. Look into you ASIO settings under the audio/settings tab. If you have a pro sound card then you need to use the most recent ASIO drivers for that card... if SoundBlaster: then it should work well with the ASIO multimedia driver.....

what's your set up?
Thanks for the response. To answer your question, I am using the original computer soundcard which is a Riptide and I'm going into the line input on the back of the computer. Under the ASIO Control Panel my settings are as follows:

Channels: 8
Mem. per channel 192 KB
Disk Block Buffer Size 64 KB

Virtual Tape Recorder
Recorded Buffers go directly to disk checked

Midi Sync reference = Audio Clock

ASIO Device: Asio Multimedia Driver
Sample Rate = 44.100 KHZ
Audio Clock = Internal
Monitoring = Global Disable

One question though. When you say to check under the Audio/Settings tab, where exactly are you talking about? In Cubase itself or under my Control Panel? Thanks a lot for the help man. I really appreciate it. Hopefully I can get this thing working soon.