

New member
Okay, this moring my M-tron came in the mail. When to install it and could not get it to work. So I send out and email to g-media. Then I went to System pref to check for software updates (I have a mac) and then downloaded what m-audio said was the newest driver for my interface. Somewhere in there my inerface stopped working. Worse yet, when I switch the sys pref back to built in speakers and internal mic all my ableton recordings are distorted. Also I hear a faint poping noise sometimes coming from the speakers I think, but I'm not sure. I know that my firmware was upgraded by mac when I installed the new software up dates. Could that be it? If so what do I do? If it's not that then what the driver from m-audio? I didn't hot plug or remove the firewire cable while it was on. Some one please help.