

New member
For a while I've been looking at the BOSS 1600...

ZOOM also make the 1608...


I need to justify that $600 difference...aren't they both 24 bit?

Is the Boss easier to use, does have better features, support???

From the surface the two standout features would be;

1.) Vocal toolbox (don't know how deep it is)

2.) COSM?

My applications are going to be;

1.) Guitar player duo with wife...record our own stuff/produce/mix/burn from start to finish

2.) Record our church worship team LIVE

3.) Record other bands LIVE

4.) Produce full version worship songs and then take out tracks and add tracks when band members are there or aren't there (Is this where COSM kciks in?)

...THANKS SO MUCH for any help you guys can give me...

Br 1600

COSM=Composite object sound modeling, therefore trying to emulate an existing sound; amp or vocal effect. They are set up as preset patches (tones and sound effects ready to use that you can fine tune if desired when you get to know the machine).
BR's are easy to use and lots of fun...good results can be produced at first without too much experience or in depth knowlegde...but when you add that things only get better. I would go with the Boss over the Zoom anyday because there's no point in spending that amount of money if your'e not happy with your purchase, try and base your decision on the machine you like because $400 bucks will seem like nothing if you get the cheaper one and regret it later. Trust me, I bought the 1180 because I didn't want to wait to save a couple hundred bucks more to get the 1600.

As for the vocal effects are not bad at all and I"m sure would be great for your application. And you have all kinds of amps models, acoustic simulator pretty much a full GT-6 effects pedal built into it.
Hope this helps you out with your decision.
I'm in a simular boat as PK55 here.

I need a digital recorder that will let my band record all at once.
Since we dont mic our drums(electric kit) eight ins is enough.
I have used a Zoom MRS-8 for a year now and like it it but I know that its quality is lower than that of the Boss(the zoom is compressed data and on SD cards rather than a Hard Drive).

The input setup is great this is how we will do it with my group I think:
In 1. Me Guitar
In 2. Me Mic
In 3. Drums left
In 4. Drums Right
In 5. Bass Player
In 6. Bass Players Mic
In 7. Other Guitar player
In 8. lead Vocalist with condenser mic

I like the Boss but also like the Zoom for its drum machine and stuff.

I guess I am look to be sold as well..........

Any input helps!

blazingstrings said:
I'm in a simular boat as PK55 here.

I need a digital recorder that will let my band record all at once.
Since we dont mic our drums(electric kit) eight ins is enough.
I have used a Zoom MRS-8 for a year now and like it it but I know that its quality is lower than that of the Boss(the zoom is compressed data and on SD cards rather than a Hard Drive).

The input setup is great this is how we will do it with my group I think:
In 1. Me Guitar
In 2. Me Mic
In 3. Drums left
In 4. Drums Right
In 5. Bass Player
In 6. Bass Players Mic
In 7. Other Guitar player
In 8. lead Vocalist with condenser mic

I like the Boss but also like the Zoom for its drum machine and stuff.

I guess I am look to be sold as well..........

Any input helps!


The thing that jumps out at me immediately is that you will be unable to isolate each drum sound for mixing purposes (snare, kick, etc.)....Seems like quite a large drawback to me (depending on the level of sonic quality you are going for).... Just a thought....
Not the point peritus........ ;) (sorry just felt like firing at some one today no ofense)
I have never delt with anything more than a stereo drum track and have no need for more. My wife knows how to set up here drums for optimal sound and a good mix so we are just fine that way. Besides how the heck would we separate the individual outs of the electric drums it only has a L/R output anyway so even if we could do that we would still be there anyway. :)
Plus her Yamaha DTX kit has great sounds and feel, we hate micing up drums. I tear my hair out getting a good sound :( .............
And we want to record as a band and then do overdubs or fix mistakes later by re-recording parts. so if she has a bad sound or whatever we can always go back an re-track it shes up for it.

My question is about the Zoom vs. the Boss.

I just wanna hear what folks think of both of them just like the original poster.

Thanks again.

-Blaze :)