Help With Yamaha Aw4416 Needed


I just finished a project on my AW4416 that I got used and I went to burn the project to an Audio disc as a master tape, but every CD i put in it comes up as "media error" and it can't even get around to TRYING to burn the thing... its like it doesn't even reconize what it is and i might as well be sticking a cracker in it instead. My first guess was that there aren't even any drivers installed for it... but I figured I'd see if anyone else had any better ideas as to whats wrong. Help!
You've got to go into you menu on your AW4416 and switch the settings for Digital Protection to off, if I am not mistaken.

Odd, but I'm pretty sure that's what it is.

Are you talking about enabling the CD/DAT Digital Rec in the 3rd tab on the Utility screan? Its enabled, and so is the digital copywrite underneith it and it still won't read. Any other ideas before I assume its a hardware problem?

Thanks a bunch!
Go to:

Its a site dedicated to the Yamaha Line, specifically the AW16g and AW1600, which operate the same as the 4416. I really don't think its hardware, but I sold mine over a year ago and don't remember the details.

Call-Of-Ktulu said:
I just finished a project on my AW4416 that I got used and I went to burn the project to an Audio disc as a master tape, but every CD i put in it comes up as "media error" and it can't even get around to TRYING to burn the thing... its like it doesn't even reconize what it is and i might as well be sticking a cracker in it instead. My first guess was that there aren't even any drivers installed for it... but I figured I'd see if anyone else had any better ideas as to whats wrong. Help!
If your machine has the Yamaha burner change it out.Here is a list of
compatable burners
The Yamaha burners are not very reliable.Try playing a store bought CD
and see if it will read it.Also the yamaha burners do better with 650 mb