Help with wife

Kelly Dueck

New member
I've read a couple of good reviews of the CAD M179 mics lately. So I ordered a pair from Bayview Pro Audio.

Only one problem. My wife found out.

After much "polite" discussion we came to a compromise. I get to keep one. But the other one MUST be returned, unopened, as soon as it arrives.

Any tips on how to convince the wife that, yes dammit I DO need another microphone, as well as a True Systems Precision 8 pre, and a small Trident Desk, and a ... and a ...

What does your significant other think of YOUR addiction to gear in general and mics in particular?

P.S. When my ONE mic arrives, I'll test it thoroughly and let y'all know how it sounds compared to the V67, the SE5000 and my 603's
I have a place my band practices, And what I do is take a peice of gear there that you dont need but she knows about, then you can tell her you sold the peice to get the new mics.

Dont order thorough the mail or use a credit card when you do. Use a check card so no statement comes and get a p.o. box so she doesnt have to know.:cool:
I give the wife the "I'll sell off old stuff to pay for it" story currently Im seeking new homes for the following items.....

Kustom K100 amp with 2 - 2X12 cabs

Casio HT700 midi keyboard

Ibanez Super Stereo Chrorus Pedal SC-10

Yamaha RGX211 guitar (1HB,1SC)

whats on my side is that im a hopeless cheapskate and always wait for that great deal.....
What does your significant other think of YOUR addiction to gear in general and mics?

My wife thinks I'm crazy, and maybe I am, however, she knows better than to criticize me about my recording gear buying habits.

I'd just tell her "butt out bitch, you think you've got a firm grasp on my balls, but you don't", and leave it at that.

As you may be able to tell, my wife & I have one of those "special" relationships, hahahahahahahahahahahaha!
I couldn't imagine anyone's significant other doing this until my good friend's fiance made him send back his POD. Fuck, I felt so bad for him. To her it was just an oversized kidney bean. She wanted a new microwave. Can you believe the gall?!! He was perfectly willing to eat cold soup but she would have none of it.
I am thankful me and my wife have a common passion for music.
(she plays guitar and keyboard)

of course sometimes it's hard for her to understand why I need to spend so much money on recording gears, but if I justify well enough, usually it's not a problem. :)

so for those who are yet to get married, make sure your future wife knows what's a C-sharp-augmented-diminished-seven is first!! ;) :D :D
If you lie,cheat or hide your going to be in BIG trouble next time you order gear.....

The way around it is to talk to her using "Woman talk".
Here is an example....."Honey I want you to understand my feelings. This new mic is so important to me. It's part of my soul.
This is what brings me joy in this world. I work so hard to support the family...finaly I have something that can bring me some happiness..."

That will work.
My wife said if I keep buying microphones and such that she would leave me. That was about six years ago. Sometimes I think I miss her, then again, nay.
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I feel SO alone.......... I don't have any such problems with Rose (even before we got married!)

Mind you, BBS is a business, so she's not even in a position to criticize gear purchases....

I think Shailat's advice is right on the money though... if you get your wife to understand how important your gear is to you, maybe even get her to love it as much as you do, then you've got it made!!!

And for the unmarried types - if your GF ever tells you, "Yeah, that mix is pretty good -- but a Lexcion PCM81 on the vocal would make it REALLY shine!", you HAVE TO marry her right away!!!

:D :D

That's one you need to resolve with your self and let the chips fall where they may. Not a problem for me anymore, She left. Free at last Free at last!
Blue Bear Sound said:
And for the unmarried types - if your GF ever tells you, "Yeah, that mix is pretty good -- but a Lexcion PCM81 on the vocal would make it REALLY shine!", you HAVE TO marry her right away!!!

And buy her that lexicon instead of a ring? :D

So if a girl tells you that she wants to learn all that mixing stuff? Is that close enough? Or would this just be a trick to get on with me? OR is she a lesbian and just likes to play with the knobs??

My ex dumped me right after I bought my VS1880. But I don't think that has anything to do with it. However, she did think that it was a waste of money... :eek: :rolleyes:
Shailat said:
And she was right !. If my wife would buy a Roland HDR, I'd also leave her........

Yesss... Thank you very much. :( Was depressed for months when she left me. But the way she dumped me, I should be glad she did... She's evil. Who knows what she'd do to me next. :eek:

But it's true. Wouldn't buy that roland thing again. But it would've only cost me more...
I'm not married anymore. Difference between wife and girlfriend.

Wife says on seeing new fender tweed amp sitting in living room. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU PAID THAT MUCH FOR THAT!!!"

Girlfriend says on seeing new shiny Tri-cone guitar. "Oh, it's beautiful and it sounds great!!" Need i say more?
Kelley, here are a couple of ideas that can help you;

1) See if you can have her help you as your "assistant"-anyway you
can get her gear addicted too will work great.

2) Surprise her with a birthday/anniversary/special occasion recording
and later show her how you did it.

3) Use idea #1 to make a holiday recording for your friends and family.
(she wouldn't want you to put out junk, right?)

4) For the "practical" spouse-establish a monthly savings goal, then
set aside $ for both of you to have "fun" money.

5) For the "shopaholic" spouse-she gets to spend as much money as
you do on what she wants!

6) Have a "karaoke night"...and let her sing. (here honey, try this mike
instead, gee I hope we have the right one for your voice)