Help with using Delta 1010 pci adaptor

  • Thread starter Thread starter RoddyMcLaren
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New member
Hi , i was using Reason 10 with i5 8gb laptop however it was starting to "computer too slow" message, so upgraded to gigabyte mb with i7, 16gb ram 2x1td drives, working a treat. I use 2 keyboards and 3 control surfaces with korg volca keys x1, korg volca synth x1, korg volca drums x2 , korg volca sampler x1. running windows 7. I have a delta 1010 (pci) and have been looking for a way to reuse it with the mixing desk again , however i have googled and the only option i can find is to buy an external pci housing (its a bit expensive new), is there another way i adapt this card to pci-e bus.

many thanks
After several hours of searching i found 2.6 FT PCI-E Express X1 to Dual PCI Riser Extend Adapter Card With USB 3.0 Cable. got my fingers crossed its going to work. £6 from china
After several hours of searching i found 2.6 FT PCI-E Express X1 to Dual PCI Riser Extend Adapter Card With USB 3.0 Cable. got my fingers crossed its going to work. £6 from china

Hi Roddy, some years ago I emailed a company that sold PCIe to PCI MOBO adaptors as I wanted to run an M-A 2496 card in a PC with no spare PCI slots. I politely put my question, "will the adaptor work with a soundcard please"? The response was a veiled "Buy the 'king adaptor or FO". Needless to say I didn't! It was a lot more than six quid!

I am NO PC guru but I know even USB 3.0 is not as fast as PCIe but then it doesn't have to be? I think it is about as fast as PCI? DO! Let us know the outcome, good or bad, so many folks do not.

will do, its just a shame to waste a £400 soundcard (about 10 years ago). delivery expected mid march. usb 3 should handle the 10in 10out as the soundcard deals with the processing
Quick update, adaptor arrived this morning , great , went to fit it however the adaptor has a usb 3 socket on the right hand side so when the cable is installed there is no room as its blocked by usb header on mainboard, so i have had to order a right angle up usb 3 cable from amazon which arrives tomorrow , another day waiting. The part looks well made and solid, will have to drill another 2 screw holes as the standoffs dont match any pre drilled holes. Another update tomorrow when the usb cable comes.
ok so got the angled usb 3 adaptor , screwed it all in, card found by windows but no driver, off to manufactures site, installed drivers, restart, its there in device manager but "not enough resources , disable others,,error 12", removed brand new 4gb nVidea card to free resources ( need 3 screens for Reason 10, pc only does 2 onboard). restart. ITS ALIVE, but back to 2 screens untill i can get a fix for error 12 or try less hungry pcie graphics card, will try to borrow old one from pc shop tomorrow.

Found UK Supplier 2.6 FT PCI-E Express X1 to Dual PCI Riser Extend Adapter Card With USB 3.0 Cable 664102267268 | eBay
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At this point wouldn't it be easier to just buy a USB audio interface?
At this point wouldn't it be easier to just buy a USB audio interface?

Probably T but to get 8 inputs at the super low latency of PCI will be expensive. I know PCI cards are rather old hat these days but those that have not tried them do not know the security and lack of pissing about they give you. There are also routing options that cannot be done on an external AI (well, maybe on the RMEs and such)

Personally I would try to find a MOBO with enough PCI slots but even five years ago that was tricky.

Such as..B350 PC MATE | Motherboard - The world leader in motherboard design | MSI Global. Runs AMD but I have a 3G 6 core AMD and that is pretty slick.

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SUCCESS After much research in to error 12 (not enough resouces error), the overall and easy fix was BIOS related " while with onboard graphics enabled enter bios then i disabled on board graphics, save exit and turn off, installed off board graphics restart 1 monitor in both card, enter Bios enabled off board, restart , checked dalta 1010 audio was working OK, restart to Bios again enabled onboard graphics limited memory to 64BM, save and restart OVER THE MOON no error 12 Reason working great with the old Delta 1010 , 3 Screens all great.

update , got 5 screens now working , extra 2 for VST instruments, 4 korg volcas recording in, 2 mics in , 5 control surfaces and midi working great well pleased with the final result, Reason 10 working really well , no latency or "computer to slow".
Power Supply Needed?

update , got 5 screens now working , extra 2 for VST instruments, 4 korg volcas recording in, 2 mics in , 5 control surfaces and midi working great well pleased with the final result, Reason 10 working really well , no latency or "computer to slow".

Roddy - did you need to connect the SATA power supply to your PCI riser board in order the M-Audio Delta 1010LT to work?


I have 3 Delta 1010LT cards and I am considering acquiring two of the PCIe to 2 PCI expansion card kits. I will run the 2 PCI cards to an external aluminum casing ( www . aliexpress . com / item / 4000414390027 . html ? spm = a2g0o.cart.0.0.5a423c00FflXMC&mp=1 ).

However, PCIe to PCI kit I'm looking at (cheapest option on AliExpress you can see here: www . aliexpress. com / item / 33044283570 . html ? spm=a2g0o.cart.0.0.5a423c00X7hupe&mp=1 ) says that you need 3 line SATA power.

The first review claims that this is rare, and yes, in fact in my PC, I only have the 2 line SATA power connector (no 3.3v). I don't want to get into soldering pieces and buying more components to "finish the work" like the first reviewer did.

But, I'm wondering, since so many other people said the unit (expansion card) works so well, I'm wondering if the power is even necessary. That's why I'm asking if you actually had to connect power to your expansion card to make the Delta 1010LT work proper.
