Help With Soundcard Not Recording


New member
here's the problem...
i recently installed M Audio Revolution into my cpu
it won't record when i plug in my microphone
i was able to record before with my factory soundcard
i called tech support and they told me i need a preamp
i know preamps are needed to generate power...
but can anyone help me out before i spend money?

tech support told me that unlike my factory soundcard, the revolution which is installed in a different slot, isn't directly linked to my computer's motherboard and can't pick up a signal. basically, a preamp or a mixer is needed to be the mic source. please reply back with any knowledge of home recording.

h2o said:
here's the problem...
i recently installed M Audio Revolution into my cpu
it won't record when i plug in my microphone
i was able to record before with my factory soundcard...
i called tech support and they told me i need a preamp...
i know preamps are needed to generate power...
but can anyone help me out before i spend money?

tech support told me that unlike my factory soundcard, the revolution which is installed in a different slot, isn't directly linked to my computer's motherboard and can't pick up a signal. basically, a preamp or a mixer is needed to be the mic source. please reply back with any knowledge of home recording.


if you have a mic and approate cable/connector i don''t see why you shouldn''t be at least be able to record from the mic input, at low levels at least, (no pre) i'd say it's a driver or mixer config issue...

check your software mixer, either M$ or m-audio, you have both...

make sure the mic line is not muted and is selected in 'record" section...

if your card has a similar m-audio soft mixer like the delta 410 you need to config it also...

thanks for the advice man.
i checked and everything seems proper.
the drivers, the software mixer, the mic volume
hopefully i can record soon as i get my preamp
if anybody else has any ideas or suggestions...

h2o said:
thanks for the advice man.
i checked and everything seems proper.
the drivers, the software mixer, the mic volume
hopefully i can record soon as i get my preamp
if anybody else has any ideas or suggestions...


i pulled my hair for a few hours when i couldn't get audio "into" my system at first running a delta410, it played fine, it was a mixer config sure enough... one click and "there it is" :)

humm, you don't have a cheapo mic to test it with? one with the mini input like the card uses?

you don't need a preamp to just record, they use them to enhance the audio quality quite a bit, but i'm all most positive the card will record without one...

humm? anyone? correct me if i'm wrong...
you talking about the 1/8 mic input?
that's the input i'm using to hook the mic up
that is, until i get a preamp or something

what did you do to configure your delta?
revolution has a software mixer too
i doubt it's anything like yours though
delta is way more advanced

it's all good though, whatever
preamps help out regardless
i'm pretty sure that'll work
what do you think?

thanks again
When you say factory soundcard, do you mean onboard sound?

If so then you will need to disable the motherboard sound in the bios before you can get your other soundcard to work