Help with Presonus AD 192 Digital Card


New member
I have s Eureka and I was looking into get a AD192 Digital Card. What does it do? is it worth getting I dont understand it at all. But I have two Firepods now I dont know if that works with it? Thanks
I have s Eureka and I was looking into get a AD192 Digital Card. What does it do? is it worth getting I dont understand it at all. But I have two Firepods now I dont know if that works with it? Thanks

Whats up!!!!!

Hey I would just stick with your firepods!!!!!!!!!

I don't think it is necassary to record at 192 khz unless you have a specific, all digital project in mind.

Your Firepods are going to be more Versatile as well, there are quite a few more connections with these than the AD192.

When people are new to recording and they hear 192KHZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they automaticaly think that the QUALITY of their music, or sound will be way better. In reality though.........unless you have top notch equipment to capture this extended field of fidelity it won't even be noticeable.

So if you are recording a project at 192khz,,,,,,,,what will happen is this, unless of course you actually DO have outstanding equipment, a treated studio, or room, perfect placement of your instruments, etc etc etc.

A. It is going to take a TREMENDOUS amount of processing power to...............well process your mix. This is because when you record at 192KHZ you are "capturing" sounds that 44.1Khz is unable to capture.

It takes more hard drive space to "capture" this extended field of sound.

Along with the extra hard drive space it will's also going to eat up a huge amount of ram.......because the file you are recording is 4.353741496 times larger than a recording done so via 44.1Khz.

This also applies to 96Khz, this is getting a little more realistic to the home recording hobbiest though.

Your file when recording in 96Khz will be 2.176870748 times larger than recording in 44.1

B. Check out this link, it will show you everything you need to know as far as the specs it will take to record at just 44.1/ or 48Khz

C. Basically im trying to talk you out of buying the AD192 because your firepods are all that you need in your setup.

Spend that money on a decent mic/or pre/or compressor,etc etc etc.

D. Record in 44.1Khz this is CD quality anyway, and if you want to post music on the internet..............IF you record at 96 or 192 its going to be IMPOSSIBLE for people with slower internet connections to listen to your music because your file will be so large..........There also won't really be that much of a to fidelity anyway.

E. Remeber this if anything else, the quality of your recordings isn't based completley on the specifications of your audio interface,

The quality of your recordings get better with




4. EQUIPMENT.......I put this last because if you dont have the know how, or the experience then all you are really doing is polishing a turd............

F. I can help you out with the knowledge part of this.............simply keep what you have and thoroughly read this website posted below.

or check out.............home recording for dummies by jeff frost.

If your wondering about the math part of all of this I simply divided 192 by 44.1..........which gives you 4.353741496


96Khz divided by 44.1Khz..........which gives you 2.176870748

Since you have an idea of how much larger your files will be do this...........

As stated from the website above............

44.1Khz at 16bit MONO is going to "harvest" 88.2kb per second "or" 5.292 Mb per minute of hard drive space...........which is very do-able with todays computers.....

Recording at 96Khz will be.............we will just do minutes will be 5.292 times 2.176870748 which equals 11.51999999 Mbs per minute.

192Khz will be 5.292 times 4.353741496 which equals 23.03999999 Mb per minute


44.1 is 5.292 Mb per minute

96 is 11.5 Mb per minute

and 196 is 23.03 Mb per minute

This is all MONO............if you want STEREO.......times your numbers by 2.

44.1 at STERO will be 5.292 times 2 wich equals 10.584 MB per minute

96 Khz at STEREO will be 11.5 times 2 which is 23 Mb per minute

196 Khz at stereo will be 23.03 times 2 which is 46.06 Mb per minute

Can you see the difference between 44.1 and 192......... which is the interface you are interested in?????????? I also realize it will record 44.1, 48, 96, 192 as well, but I don't think you want to buy the AD192 because it might have better converters..................I could be wrong though??????

Thats a whole different story though.

Your computer would have to have some serious balls to handle all of this, not to mention you will baaaaaarrrreeeelllllllllyyyyyyyyyy notice the difference.

So now that I feel like a complete nerd.................


Im gonna go flex my muscles somewhere thats really badass!!!!!!

Maybe go do some pushups too!!!!!

Im sure there will be SOMEONE here that will correct me on something, but I just wanted to give you a rough idea as to why the AD192 is a bad idea vs Recording at 44.1 with your Firepod!!!!!!!!!

Errr, I think keithersgsx2003 got a bit excited there and read a bit too much into the name AD192! Yes, it will do up to 192khz, but that doesn't mean you can't run the card at 44.1khz for normal use! Most converters nowadays are based on oversampling designs and so it is easy to make them handle sample rates much higher than 44.1khz, and so you'd have to make something of an effort to buy something that didn't.

The AD192 is a AD conversion card for your Presonus preamp. Once fitted, this would give you a digital output from the preamp, as well as the analog outputs you've been using so far. This would allow you to feed the digital output of the card into the digital input of one of your Firepods (I think the Firepod has s/pdif I/O).

This would have a few benefits. Firstly, the quality of the AD conversion on the card may be better (or it may not, I don't know!) than the converters in the Firepod. Secondly, this would effectively give you one extra input, as you could use all 8 inputs on the Firepod and the preamp through the digital input simultaneously. Another benefit might be that you could have the preamp closer to where it would be handy and allow you to use shorter cable runs between it and the mic, then have a longer run of digital cable between it and the Firepod and not have to worry about signal degradation.
Errr, I think keithersgsx2003 got a bit excited there and read a bit too much into the name AD192! Yes, it will do up to 192khz, but that doesn't mean you can't run the card at 44.1khz for normal use! Most converters nowadays are based on oversampling designs and so it is easy to make them handle sample rates much higher than 44.1khz, and so you'd have to make something of an effort to buy something that didn't.

The AD192 is a AD conversion card for your Presonus preamp. Once fitted, this would give you a digital output from the preamp, as well as the analog outputs you've been using so far. This would allow you to feed the digital output of the card into the digital input of one of your Firepods (I think the Firepod has s/pdif I/O).

This would have a few benefits. Firstly, the quality of the AD conversion on the card may be better (or it may not, I don't know!) than the converters in the Firepod. Secondly, this would effectively give you one extra input, as you could use all 8 inputs on the Firepod and the preamp through the digital input simultaneously. Another benefit might be that you could have the preamp closer to where it would be handy and allow you to use shorter cable runs between it and the mic, then have a longer run of digital cable between it and the Firepod and not have to worry about signal degradation.


Yea I got a little carried away

I would stick with the Firepod though, it is capable of digital recording as well.

The way I took his question was him maybe thinking that if he bought a DAC that was capable of 192Khz then maybe the quality of his music would be better.

Thats what I used to think anyway.
I get the feeling you don't quite understand the purpose of the card.

The AD192 is only a AD conversion card, simply to add digital outputs to the preamp he has. It would never be able to, nor is it intended to, replace an interface like the Firepod. If the OP got it he would still have to use the Firepods. It would give him another way to connect the preamp to his Firepod, and would have a few (mentioned) benefits to go along with it.

On the other hand, those benefits might not be worth the cost of the card. It depends on the situation.
I get the feeling you don't quite understand the purpose of the card.

The AD192 is only a AD conversion card, simply to add digital outputs to the preamp he has. It would never be able to, nor is it intended to, replace an interface like the Firepod. If the OP got it he would still have to use the Firepods. It would give him another way to connect the preamp to his Firepod, and would have a few (mentioned) benefits to go along with it.

On the other hand, those benefits might not be worth the cost of the card. It depends on the situation.

I completley understand what he is trying to do.....

I just don't think it is necessary.

Im not trying to argue with you big guy, long drawn out post explains everything as to the point I was trying to get across.