Help with Pres...PLEEEAAASE....


New member
Okay after very extensive research I have decided on purchasing the new Tascam X-48 (I will post my review as soon as it is in my hands).

I have decided to build this studio from the recorder out right from scratch.

What I need now, is a decent multi channel pre(s) that will give me a quality sound and some flexibility.

My first thought was to purchase a 24 channel interface and then use an Avalon 737, but after some research it seems that it might be better to start off with a multi channel pre so that I am not limited to only two channels.

Any and all suggestions are appreciated. Thanks in advance.
What's your budget, result desire, goal? etc... Search and you'll find your answers


*edit...noticed you're in Calgary. I am as well...wanna go for coffee? I can answer a lot of questions for you, and point you in the right direction if you're looking for where to buy gear...

I've heard good results from Presonus-

They make a few eight-channel options, such as preamps, preamps with digital out, and compressor/gates to front end a recorder.

Of course, you could always take the DIY option...
Thanks guys for the help, it can defiantely be a confusing time making so many important decisions....

jkokura: My budget is around $1000 USD, but is flexible if need be. I am aiming at doing some personal recordings as well as some commercial demo recordings for now. I will probably record mostly rock and pop if that helps.

northsiderap: I had considered Presonus and am also thinking about the Octamic from RME. From what I have heard RME is pretty solid.

I am looking for a multi channel pre to get me going, one that can be used in most situations and then I can start to look for more specific needs such as a top end vocal pre etc.
Thank you so much everyone.....

I will check out a few of those pres and see what I am able to find out.

jkokura: It is definately nice to have a fellow Calgarian on the board. What is your recording background?