Help with Otari MX BQII


New member
I'm working on a project converting spoken word analog tapes to digital mp3s. The original project was recorded on an Otari MX5050 BII two track machine with large reels on slow speed. The motors on the BII started to die causing the audio to drag in certain spots so I found and bought a newer machine (Otari MX5050 BQII) which is a four track unit. I'm trying to record these tapes to my DAW with a PreSonus Firestudio Project. My recording software is Sony Vegas Pro 8. When playing back the two track tapes on the four track machine the levels vary greatly. Track one is very hot, track two, three, and four have much lower levels. The BQII machine does not have any line out level controls that I can see. I also notice that the sound is distorted and kind of metallic sounding. Is it possible to get clean audio from a two track tape with a four track machine? I have been working with digital audio for a few years but this is my first adventure into the analog reel to reel world. Any information or tips on doing this would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Anyone could correct me if I'm wrong but I think you wont be able to get it to sound right. You'll need to have a different two track deck to make the levels play back appropriately. I think you're hearing the different playback levels because the tape was recorded to play back on two track machines. Make sure you dont have a "balance" knob turned to one side. Also, see if your reel to reel has a stereo mode instead of 4 track, some do. Sorry I couldn't help more but maybe this can be of assistance.