Help with new equipment/playback...


New member
I just installed my audiophile 2496. I am using sonar 2.0, along with an audio buddy pre.

I just did a test run for recording - the sound did record, however, when I rewind and press play, it doesn't play through my speakers (or through anything for that matter).

When I mix the file down to a .wav, and play it in a program like winamp, it works fine.

I am guessing there is some settings I need to change (either in sonar, or sounccard), but I can't find it in the program or the manual.

thanks any help!
... replying to my own thread :rolleyes:

I think I've narrowed my problem down a bit more.

I noticed when I checked the track properties, there is nothing selcted for "bank" or "patch". However, those boxes are grey - as in I can't select anything from them.

any ideas?
Are you trying to record Audio or MIDI, from what you said, it sounds like MIDI.

If it is Audio, check your Options -> Audio, make sure you have your sound card selected as input and output.

Make sure a main bus is set to the output which you have your speakers connected to.

Also, if you are working with MIDI and don't have an external Sound Canvas, you will need to use the Edirol VSC to play back the MIDI sounds.

Hope this gets you on the right track,


(smacks himself on the head)


I am just stupid today.. or maybe that's everyday....

Porter, thank you for the help. I spent all day staring at my "output" , thinking automatically it was on my AP card. I was wrong.. still had my old card as the output.

I do however have another other sub question: When I am choosing my input source for recording, there are severl L, R, Stereo settings for the AP card - and they have either 1/2, 3/4 or 5/6 on the end of their description. What do those nuimbers signify?

thanks again
I don't use an AP myself, however 1/2 will be input channels 1 & 2, 3/4 will be input channels 3 & 4, 5/6 will be input channels 5 and 6, 7/8 will be input channels 7 & 8. The reasoning for the grouping is stereo.. ie a stereo track is really 2 mono tracks panned hard left and hard right.

Basically, if you wanted to record input 3 you would choose Left 3/4, to record input 8 you would choose Right 7/8. To record a stereo track 5/6 you could either, choose stereo 5/6 or you could record 2 mono tracks ie 5 & 6 on different tracks and pan them full left and right.

Hope that all makes sense,
