Help with my Tascam M-2600


New member
I'm sotra new to this so here's the problem: I want to have 8 individual outputs from Presonus Studio 1 Pro through my Presonus Firestudio Project to go to my Tascam M-2600 so I can record these tracks to tape on my Sony TC 355. I basically want to use Studio 1 Pro to record everything than mix down to tape. How can I achieve this ? Also in need to figure out how i can factor in my dbx compresser (Stereo or duel mono) and dbx duel 31 band eq plus my Ibanaz dmd 2000 delay (can't figure that one out at all) I want run them thru my 8 aux send and how can this be done in simple terms please. Thanks in advance.
I'm sotra new to this so here's the problem: I want to have 8 individual outputs from Presonus Studio 1 Pro through my Presonus Firestudio Project to go to my Tascam M-2600 so I can record these tracks to tape on my Sony TC 355. I basically want to use Studio 1 Pro to record everything than mix down to tape. How can I achieve this ? Also in need to figure out how i can factor in my dbx compresser (Stereo or duel mono) and dbx duel 31 band eq plus my Ibanaz dmd 2000 delay (can't figure that one out at all) I want run them thru my 8 aux send and how can this be done in simple terms please. Thanks in advance.

Read the supplied user manuals. Why on earth would you want to use a Sony TC 355 or anything. It's a tinker toy.
Rick I have read the manuals and still trying to figure it out.As for the Sony it was a gift from a friend till i can find a better one