help with midi recording.


New member
I'm having trouble using Cubase SX with my evolution MK249c midi controller. I have the latest drivers from evolution's website, and I'm using SX on Windows 2000. Whenever I record MIDI in realtime using the keyboard, doublew notes are always recorded. What I mean is on the MIDI track screen. all the recorded notes are present with a duplicate note with identical length overlayed on each one, just a couple of 32s of a beat later. It messes up the sound, obviously, and is very irritating to get rid of by hand.

Anyone know what might be amiss here? Drivers (I haved the latest), keyboard setup, Cubase set up?

Help please! Thanks
Double notes are recorded?

This is odd - it indicates a midi signal loop.

If the double notes are not recorded (only heard) then it is possibly just a matter of turning of local control on the midi controller and let the sound be triggered by the midi inputs from the cubase midi track.

Any more detail would help - I will think about this - but by the time I figure it out hopefully some of the experts here will already have solved your prob.

Good luck,
no, the double notes are definitely recorded: bringing up the midi track that has been recorded (i.e. double click on the section) and there are two notes where there should be one. First, the note where it should be on the timeline, of length x, then another note on the same note, same length, but moved about 1/16 beat along on the timeline. I'm using the latest drivers from evolution (my first thought on the problem) but no help. Oh, and I'm using the USB connection, which goes into the motherboard (I guess) not the Midi cable into the SB Live. I don't know if this makes any difference or would explain the problem, but I can tell you it's very annoying. Thanks anyway.
Yeah, it sounds like some sort of loop is happening. Perhaps you are sending the data to Cubase, which is sending it back to your keyboard, which is sending it back to Cubase. Try disabling midi thru in your keyboard, and/or in Cubase.
