Help with looking into getting ADAT


New member
Went searching (in Ebay of all places) and found what looks like killer deals on Alesis ADATs, both LX and XT. I'd like to make the jump into the digital domain with ADAT since it's more like traditional analog recording what with the external mixer and standard tape-based interface (play, record, ffw, etc.).

I know a lot of folks (including a good friend of mine) squawk a great deal about recording directly to your PC, but that's not an option for me since my machine is upstairs in the computer room and my studio is down in the basement.

So basically my question is: given the physical limitations and the availability of great gear for seemingly great prices, should I go for it?

FYI, I've seen the Roland VS stuff and the KORG digital recorders and they look alright, but I'd rather load up a tape and twiddle some mixer knobs.

Thanks in advance for your time and responses.

i love my adat and I dont care what anyone says about them.
Go for it. I would check with misterqcue, he can get great deals on adats with very low hours.