Help With Home Studio


New member
i record the first rythm track
then i go back, put o headphones and record the picking/solo stuff.

the problem is when i go to play it back, it records not only whats going into the mic, but what the comp is playing back.

any suggestions?

what i think caused the problem was i downloaded a program to record streaming off the internet, and my bands song was being played so i recorded it. then i had the prob with cakewalk, and i uninstalled the program to record off the internet, and cakewalk is still messed. HELP ME!

Go into the windows mixer and check to see that you don't have the "Record What you hear", or something similar checked. If it is, uncheck it and see if that resolves your problem.

Long path:
Start --> Program --> Accessories --> Entertainment --> Volume control.

Short path:
Just double click speaker icon on the taskbar...

Once opened, you'll need to go Options --> Properties --> Recording and select either mic / line input.

i figured it out i had to take the check off of WAV OUT and put it on Mic. thats all. thanks!