Help with Gear Please???


New member
Hello!! =] =]

I have been doing home recording on my PC for a little while. Here is the basic of my setup:

Compaq PC Dual Core Processor
288 GB Hard drive
Realtek High Definition Audio
SONY ACID Music Studio 6.0 Software
Creative E-MU 0404 Digital Audio System - E-DSP - PCI - 24 bit - Internal

What do you think about this setup?
I'm on a low budget so pretty much, I have to work with what I have for now, unless there's more that i absolutely need.

Is there anything else that I need to add.... ( Besided Mics, Cables, Headphones etc.) .... to record a 4 piece band??? Drums Bass 2 guitars and Vocals
We are looking for a live sound but want a decent demo quality.

Thank you so much for your time and Im really interested in getting started more into Digital Recoridng . Any help or information is greatly appreciated:confused:
Hello!! =] =]

I have been doing home recording on my PC for a little while. Here is the basic of my setup:

Compaq PC Dual Core Processor
288 GB Hard drive
Realtek High Definition Audio
SONY ACID Music Studio 6.0 Software
Creative E-MU 0404 Digital Audio System - E-DSP - PCI - 24 bit - Internal

What do you think about this setup?
I'm on a low budget so pretty much, I have to work with what I have for now, unless there's more that i absolutely need.

Is there anything else that I need to add.... ( Besided Mics, Cables, Headphones etc.) .... to record a 4 piece band??? Drums Bass 2 guitars and Vocals
We are looking for a live sound but want a decent demo quality.

Thank you so much for your time and Im really interested in getting started more into Digital Recoridng . Any help or information is greatly appreciated:confused:

Well..I would think that you will need a mixer of some kind if you plan on micing up every instrument..If you are just going for a two mic stereo set up you will still need a couple preamps for the mic's (or a mixer). That will allow you to go from xlr to 1/4" easily to!!

Oh..and Acid is fine..that was my first program when I switched from tape!!
Well, the hardware that I have has a internal mixer... will that work the same without having to get a external mixer?

And, if i want to plug a mic into my hardware i have to get a preamp to run the mics??? Could i use a Powered Mixer like this? :

Behringer EUROPOWER PMP2000 Powered Mixer (Pmp2000)

Thanks alot for your time I know Im at just now getting into Computer Recording but I have ran Audacity alot before ( BUT ONLY WITH A SHITTY MIC GOING STRAIGHT TO THE COMPUTERS SOUND CARD )

ALSO I have started to create a few mixes with the loops that came along with ACID!! Im having so much fun learning with my buddy Norton that let me borrow his software and hardware. Thanks alot again.
Well the thing is, if you want to record the band playing at the same time or anything with more than one instrument or mic, you will need to get a mixer. That way you can mic everything through a mixer and input it directly into the interface. Not the greatest way to do it but you make due with what you got and you can get some good sounding stuff.

And Mics obviously, but you need to decide how you want to go about doing the recording. You could probably pick up a set of drum mics that could do justice. Or you could just go the stereo overhead way. Either way it has to be decided by you and your budget. Search around for some drum mics and see what you come up with.

Id probably also stray away from behringer products.
That E-Mu interface only has

Two 1/4" Analog Inputs and Outputs
Optical 24-bit/96kHz S/PDIF In/Out (switchable to AES/EBU)
Coaxial 24-bit/96kHz S/PDIF In/Out (switchable to AES/EBU)

Recording a drum kit with that is going to be difficult, but can be done. The pre amps in this unit are sufficient to get the job done. You will need some good mics.

You may want to look at investing in an interface with more than just two inputs, because even if you have a mixer to mic up your drums, you will still be recording a stereo drum track, and everything will have to be set perfectly in order to get a decent track out of it.