Help with finding a stomp sound?


New member
Anyone have advice for how to find a stomp sound that will fit my song? I'm kind of hoping to pay just a few dollars for the specific sound I need, rather than downloading some huge pack.

Here's the song I want it for:

I don't think making it myself if going to be the answer, since I'm very new to this. I think what will happen is I'll put a ton of time into making something that won't sound right in the end.

The current sound I'm using sounds too much like a rubber ball bouncing or something. I want it low, with a lot of reverb, but not too mushy sounding (not too many, ill-defined feet).

Anyone have ideas where I should look?

I've tried typing "stomp" into the search fields of,, and free but none of them was quite what I was looking for.

This was the closest I found but it's not quite right:
IMPACTS Sound Effects - FX 8857427 Only $2.49 | Sound FX

The problem with the above one is that it doesn't sound enough like multiple foot steps (too mushy) and the reverb is maybe a little too long. It's the right pitch though.

Thanks for any help!--Jessica