Help with CubaseSX3


New member
I'm starting to use Cubase SX3 and I I can't seem to be able to record 2 mono tracks at once.

My VST Connections are alright, I have a Delta1010 so I create 2 mono busses and assign the analog Ins Channels 1 et 2. When I go in the Delta1010 control panel I can see that everything is ok (I have sound inputs from both mics) but when I record in Cubase with the 2 mono tracks selected it records the same mic on both tracks. It's like the Input 2 isnt assigned to the second track... but I can't find anywhere else to assign an input to a track than in the VST Connections panel.

Is there anything I forgot to do???

By the way when I create 1 stereo bus with the same 2 inputs I can record from both mic into a stereo channel without any problem.