Help with Cubase LE 5 in windows 7


New member
I have been having headaches and nightmares ever since purchasing my 1st audio interface that came with cubase LE 5. My entire experience makes me want to just go back and do workstation 16 track sequencer recordings again.. i never knew pc based recording would be so complicated. Everything from struggling to get the right usb driver to not getting a sound from metronome to not being able to enter the cubase website to get the full eLicense to not seeing anything in VTS connections other than input and output to getting double sounds from the workstation speaker echoing the sounds going into the pc to downloading ASIO4all driver to only keep getting not able to record audio and then getting Steinberg usb driver and thinking all was about to work only to get no clicks and losing the levels of sounds being recorded and learning that nothing is being recorded at all then finding out these new drivers have removed all my sound from my Pinnacle studio software. My head ache keeps getting louder. Is there any hope for this poor newbie? Is your head now hurting after reading all of this? Hahaha....Help!
The current version of Cubase is 8. If it came bundled with an audio interface, why is it such an old version? Usually bundled software is the current version. I wonder if upgrading from version 5 to version 8 would help resolve some of the issues you're having?

According to Wikipedia, Cubase LE 5 was released in 2009. That page also says that "Cubase 6.0 was designed to run on 64-bit Windows 7. Its predecessor could run up to the Windows Vista operating system but it works on Windows 7 also." I'm not sure what that last sentence means-- does 5 work on Windows 7 or not? Or perhaps it works but not perfectly, and especially not on 64-bit Windows 7?

EDIT: PS-- If the bundled software is from 2009, does that mean the audio interface itself is from 2009? Maybe the compatibility or incompatibility of the audio interface is also part of the problem?
I have been having headaches and nightmares ever since purchasing my 1st audio interface that came with cubase LE 5. My entire experience makes me want to just go back and do workstation 16 track sequencer recordings again.. i never knew pc based recording would be so complicated. Everything from struggling to get the right usb driver to not getting a sound from metronome to not being able to enter the cubase website to get the full eLicense to not seeing anything in VTS connections other than input and output to getting double sounds from the workstation speaker echoing the sounds going into the pc to downloading ASIO4all driver to only keep getting not able to record audio and then getting Steinberg usb driver and thinking all was about to work only to get no clicks and losing the levels of sounds being recorded and learning that nothing is being recorded at all then finding out these new drivers have removed all my sound from my Pinnacle studio software. My head ache keeps getting louder. Is there any hope for this poor newbie? Is your head now hurting after reading all of this? Hahaha....Help!

Yeah man, my head hurt's a little!

What I feel you need is to take the time to learn how to setup and understand why it is needed with Cubase. Once that is done correctly, you can forget about it and move forward.

Also when I started out I had a guru that helped me a ton. HR and the Steinberg forum is awesome, but nothing beats someone in person helping you setup.

I can walk you through the whole setup thing if you wish.

Just PM me.