Help with connecting FX to Roland VS1680


New member
Can someone help a novice? I'm not happy with the Roland VS-1680's effects, I know have an Alesis Nano-Compressor, and Nano-Verb unit. How do I hook it up to the Roland?

I want the compressor and verb to be available as Aux 1 & 2, to use with a final mixdown to master, and to also be available for independant tracks. Is this possible?

The verb and compressor have 1/4" ins and outs, and the Roland has RCA AUX A & B Outs. Help me if you can...!!
1st you need a 1/4" Y-cable (1 balanced plug w. 2 unbalanced male plugs) for the auxes which I believe are balanced on the 1680.
To connect the NoNo-Verb, connect the un-bal plugs into the In/Out of the unit with the Bal(or TRS) portion of the cable to the 1680's Aux.
Not sure,but if the 1680 has channel inserts, U can connect the efx unit also into the track's insert for individual track processing.
I got a 1680..........

Just send the signal out of AUX A or B. You have to designate them though.

You do not need a Y plug at all. You have stereo ins/outs on the outboard gear right? Just get 2 RCA to 1/4" adapters at RadioShack. If you do not have stereo ins on the outboard gear, just use the left or right RCA and PAN HARD LEFT or RIGHT.

As for the A and B aux outs........that is so you can end 2 stereo outs at once so you can use 2 seperate signal chains.............if that makes sense to you? (Add EFX to a guitar AND vocals.........all stereo)

If you want to MASTER, just use the main RCA outs and connect you Alesis stuff between the CD Burner or DAT. Then you don't have to bother with setting up the AUX sends.

How long have you had you 1680? I've had mine for 3 years and still find new things everyday.
Thanks for the help Locus! I think I understand, but...

The Aux A or B on the Roland, is that an in and out, or a R&L?

Does the red or white indicate in or out, or R & L?

What I'm trying to ask is once I get adapters to go RCA to 1/4" from out of the Roland Aux's, which one goes to the R or L inputs on the compressor?

Maybe I shouldnt bother with stereo, and just go mono, by comming out of the Roland Aux into Left (Mono) IN of the compressor, and Left (Mono) OUT of the compressor back into the Roland Aux, but.....which RCA (red / white) of the Roland Aux is in or out?

I can understand how to put the effects between the Roland Master and a CD burner since its not returning to the Roland, merely inbetween the two.

I'ld apprectiate any more help, new at the Roland, and you have 3 yrs on me!
The ONLY ins on the 1680 are the 6 1/4", 2 XLRs, and 2 digitals. The AUX are ALL outputs. You cannot return any of them as RCA, you must send them back to the 1/4" or XLRs.

The left channel is the top one. Red I think. Doesn't really you have monitors? Just hook them up and pan a track left or right.

Oh ya.....for better sound and a better strength connection, go to guitar center and drop a bit more money on some monster cables that have the RCA to 1/4" pre-made. I forgot I did that.....haha......

About the EFX in the will come around. The Reverb sounds bad at first, but when you figure out how to use it without that "metal" sound, it is VERY IMPRESSIVE. the return from the effect unit (1/4" or XLR) goes into the Roland's respective channel input?

Lets say if I have snare on channel 2, the Aux A outs RCA to the 1/4" input of the effect, and the 1/4" output of the effect to the 1/4" or XLR input of channel 2 on the Roland? Then I can use the Aux A level of channel 2's paramters to add the outboard effect.
The outboard effect is an Alesis Nano Compressor, by the way.

Then I can do the same for Aux B with the Nano-Verb.

Let me know if this is correct. Thanx much