Help with Audio Interface


New member

I have my own video/photo/audio business and am looking at my audio setup.

I have had a Firewire 410 and a pair of Wharfdale nearfields for quite a few years. I am getting some distortion in the mid's to upper mid's which I think is coming from the Firewire 410 as my headphones seems to be having the same sound.

So I am investigating a different audio interface.

Here is my usage requirements:

1) Mainly this is to be used to playback and mix audio I have recorded through my video work. So I would like great sounding audio for playback. - Is there much difference in playback sound quality between today's digital interfaces?

2) From time to time I do record a voiceover track, so a high quality pre-amp would be needed as well.

Would I be better served separating my "sound card" and my recording preamp?

3) USB or Firewire? In the past it seemed firewire was the clear choice, but systems are so quick these days, does it matter? Is there one connect that seems to offer higher quality products? Like all of the professional gear uses firewire etc...

I don't want to set a budget to let the quality level determine my choices.

I will be using Windows 7 and my system will soon be an i7 setup with 12gb of ram.

I also need the card to have analogue inputs as my video output card sends audio out that needs to be put back into the system.

Thanks for your input!
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Hi there,

As far as I see you are not going to record many channels simultaneously right?

I have to say that it does not really matter novadays if it is usb of firewire, specially if you only need 1 or 2 channels.

considering above I would recommend

Emu Tracker Pre USB 2.0 Audio Interface

The good thing about this interface is that it have channel inserts before AD converter. This means that if you find the preamps of interface not sufficient for you (preamps are quite good on this interface anyway) you will be able to plug a better preamp bypassing interface pres and use only ADC of the interface.


Thanks for your quick reply.

After doing some testing, I think I need to focus on getting a sub or rather than changing the audio interface.

The distortion I am hearing is coming from eq settings and too much bass on certain tracks.

I think the Firewire 410 is functioning properly.

Unless a more recent interface would be an upgrade in sound quality over the firewire 410.
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410 is not bad at all. It is out of production now. the successor is

M-Audio ProFire 610 Firewire Audio Interface

this one is also very nice, I did not buy it as I don't have firewire ports on my laptop.
this will also give you 4 line inputs or two mic inputs. Plus 2 digital inputs with S/PDIF.
And i think you need "Big" firewire ports to be able to use phantom power.
