Help with audio cards


New member
Hello any gear Pimps out there, I need some help.

K I am looking for audio card for ableton live. I will require 16 channel of input and 8 channels of output. I/O will need to be both XLR and 1/4inch resonable conversion ad/dA and price.

Please Help, much appreciated. budget $2000 US
Wow you know your stuff man, just wat I need. I want to try mix front of house in the box with ableton live,with some live audio e.g accoustic guitar some pre recordings. Do you think that the converters in the sound card will affect the sound quallity as opesed to a clean analog desk. I know it will be better through analog desk but do you think audience will hear it.

again thanks for the heads up, I agree with this setup

I currenty run ableton on a mbox through to a analog desk but I would like all signal paths to run through ableton and also be able to record a loop on the fly

Ive had bands like U2 and Aerosmith run through our systems through an RME HDSP card. If their audiences can't tell, I'd say yours wont either. ;) Actually, the quality will be higher than most consoles out there that aren't mid-upper tier stuff.