Help! Where can I find an MMC video deck?


New member
Hi There.

Hoping one of the great minds here can help me out.

I just picked up the MOTU MTP/AV, and am excited about finally getting picture lock going. After reading the manual (I know... =-p), I learned that the only way for me to get my vcr to slave to the my sequencer, I have to get a Midi Machine Controlled VCR.

I've looked online, but can't come up with anything.

Does anyone know where I can find one? And how much this might cost? I can't wait to get my video deck chasing back and forth as I move the song position pointer in Cubase...

Thanks for your help!

this may be very expensive....

ill try and get one of the engineers in our video suite to help you out, but we have quite a few sony decks which are capable of chasing our pro tools system. it should work with cubase too. have you got work clock outs on your card?

beware, it can be expensive. the price i paid for the decks in the video suite was something like £8,000. we got a timecode DAT running aside that which syncs up to it.

best thing to go for is UMATIC if you're looking towards the pro side of video/audio production. most companies will only accept a UMATIC master tape.

if you want a video deck to chase cubase mtc, beware, it can be slow, and if they dont lock up, it can take aaaaagggggeeeeesss!

our system has our main umatic deck synced up to pro tools. even if the session has been done on something like an otari 24track or whatever, it all gets dumped to pro tools and the video decks get synced off that. it's a nightmare syncing things with studers and otari's, gets real slow and unaccurate.

hope you sort your system out.
(long wave studio)