Help- WAV -> MP3 Volume Low


New member
Any which way I convert a WAV file to MP3,
using tools in n-track or with grabber, the
resulting MP3 volume is way down. I don't understand
why... Please help me produce MP3s with the same
general volume as the original wave files.
Pardon me if this has been answered before,
I tried a search but couldn't find a pertinent

While you're here, I have a question about Audio Active.

Can you record line in on the computer, direct to MP3?

The reason I asked, is I use stand alone recording, and then line into the computer to Music Match.

With Music Match you can go line into the computer and record a MP3 without having to record a wav first. I was hoping that I could do the same with Audio Active.

The reason I would switch to Audio Active, is I heard Emeric's recording at 96KBps and it sounds great. Music Match at 96KBps has a lot of flutter, not nearly as good.

Is there a way of making Music Match sound better at 96KBps?

Music Match at 96 Kbps will always sound bad. They want you to buy the full version..... DON'T!
There's plenty better for FREE.
Do a search here for encoders.