Help Wanted: Choosing between samplers.

Also thinking about maybe getting the Triton sampler/synth Rack and combining it with the Motif Rack.

Any comments about this setup?!?!
C-mon ppl, has anyone here used the EMU E-Synth?!? What can you tell me about it? It's one of the models in the EMU E-sampler series.

I'm also considering the Motif 6. Would that be a better choice for a sampler/synth workstation? Or should I go with a Triton Rack and Motif Rack combination.

Price is my main issue. The E-synth would end up costing me a third of the Triton/Motif combination would and about half the cost of a new Motif 6. But, I simply can't afford bying the wrong thing.

Need some "talking into", eather way...
I haven't used any of those but when you are shopping for a sampler there are some general things to look for.

1. Libraries- Are they available? How much? What hardware upgrades do you need to run them?

2. Does it have the polyphony and multitimbral abilities that you need?

2. How much RAM does it come with and how much can you add?

3. How big is the HD and how well does it interface with external drives and computers?

4. How is the editing interface and can you edit using software? Does it have a video monitor output?
I would be interested in how fast the darn SCSI is. It better be fast ok. The visual editor doesn't matter for crap since you will be bouncing the sample back and forth to your computer to sampler and editing in the computer in whatever, soundforge is fine for windows. Then you send it back to your sampler. What is cool about the emu vs the yamaha is you can get a emu racksynth for cheap as crap, remove the chips and put flash ram chips that you loaded up with samples from your emu sampler it it. Like you own custom sound set. Having a sampler these days is basicly that. Its like having a custom synth right? So I think the emu would be nice for this. You could buy a used emu ultra 5 or 6 thousand from ebay for like 4 to 5 hundred bucks or less. Then pick up any used emu synth for like 100-300 bucks. That is some raw power for the money bro.
Hey man,

what kinda loot are you tryin to spend? Shoot me a budget and i'll shoot yo some info. The scenarios you've listed range in price quite a bit, so I think you should tell us what your budget is and we can all better tell you from there how those different pieces of gear can fit in and work together based on your needs - at least I can... I mean, you did say, "price is my main issue," so let us know what it is...

All I can tell now is that you need a sampler and a synth and want to get the hottest shit out in some combination. Gimme some mo' info...
