Help! Sonar 2xl re-install on new laptop


New member
Hi all. Been using Sonar for over a year now on an ibm t20. No problems. Recently I had to return it and get a new HP 6200 (the lease was up).

I am trying to reinstall Sonar 2 xl and I can't seem to configure the internal soundcard properly. I have an external RME Multiface that I haven't reinstalled yet. I wanted to get the interal card working first -- I use it for MIDI and for when I can't hook up the RME.

Anyway, at first, the only midi outputs was the MS Mapper one. That doesn't count as an output, so no luck. I checked the always use MME and finally it gave me the wavetable. However, it is also giving me the the modem line for some reason and I can't get rid of it. the Driver profiles keeps defaulting to the modem and 3 bytes. Even when I change it, it doesn't save and goes back after i renenter Sonar.

In any case, when I do get audio running it sounds terrible, all stuttered and garbled and really not understandable. I assume this has something to do with the modem line. I ended up disabling the 2 modem items when I got the pop up that said the current configuration won't work with these -- choose use anyway or disable.

Anyone have any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
did you try to disable the modem, or do you need it? If its on the mother board you would probably have to disable it in BIOS. When I first installed Sonar, my modem wave device was listed as a sound device, I don't remember if it was a problem but I ended up taking it out since I didn't need it and it was using an IRQ (I think). Also did you go to the Windows sound device properties dialog and choose yer soundcard as the default sound device ? after you checked the soundcard driver in Sonar and chose MME, did you run the wave profiler again? Also check and see if there are any newer versions for the soundcard drivers.
thanks. still working on it. I did now do that and also went back and reinstalled in order from sonar 1 up to 2.1, Seems to have worked. Still need to look into it in more depth. Will report back. I will end up losing some of my preferences and some downloads I think, doing a clean install. I am sure there is a better way, but I'm willing to give this up if I can get it working.
well, i finally got some basic functionality working with the rme card. Tomorrow I need to try the 2 cards together. Thanks again Tom.

One thing, man the stock souncard in the HP is noisy as hell. My IBM wasn't like that at all. It picks up all sorts of electrical noise like the hard drive working or the mouse moving.
You should be able to get Sonar to ignore the modem by disabling it in Options > Audio > Drivers. Then make sure that your sound card is selected for playback and recording in Options > Audio > General and reprofile the card.