Help! Question about Soundboard?!?!?!?


New member
Hey all, I have a question regarding the Soundboard 4x8 panels I am putting up.......

As many of you who use them know, they aren't hard as a rock, and I wasn't able to put them on the inside of the walls of my home studio. I have them external. Does anyone know of a way I can make them a little harder or sturdier? Is there a certain paint or spray I can put on the panels to make them firm???

Any and all suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you!!!

Hey all, I have a question regarding the Soundboard 4x8 panels I am putting up.......

As many of you who use them know, they aren't hard as a rock, and I wasn't able to put them on the inside of the walls of my home studio. I have them external. Does anyone know of a way I can make them a little harder or sturdier? Is there a certain paint or spray I can put on the panels to make them firm???

Do you mean outside as in outside of the building?

I cannot picture your issue

Sorry about the confusion..... What I mean is the sound board is on top of the existing drywall inside the studio. That make more sense?


Mike - wish you had asked this befor installing them - they are pretty useless......

They are too dense to have any real acoustic use in the room - and they are too soft to have any real value for isolation.............

There are no magic sprays to use that will harden them - just cover with more drywall - which will gain you just about the isolation values you would have had without them in the first place............

Thanks Rod....

I actually haven't put up any of the sound board yet, I just have drywall. What would you recommend that will best deaden the sound? It's an 11x11 room (roughly) with just drywall....
Thanks Rod....

I actually haven't put up any of the sound board yet, I just have drywall. What would you recommend that will best deaden the sound? It's an 11x11 room (roughly) with just drywall....

Are you looking to isolate the room - or treat the room?
Well, thats a good question... maybe you'd know better. So let me specify the room setup and it's use..

It's an 11x11x12 (roughly)..... it was a carport in my garage that I added a wall to enclose it to a room. There's no windows, and its on the concrete slab of the foundation of the house. I'm not using it for a full band.....only tracking. So i believe the loudest instrument would be the drums, so cymbals and snare of course. I haven't put any carpet of flooring down, and its all drywall on the walls right now. So i''m just trying to keep the level down while getting a good room sound.......

That make more sense??

I have project with existing sheetrock.

In our room we put green glue between sheet rock and soundboard, then more sheetrock. It is in process of completion, may be done next few days.