Help Please!


New member
I want to buy software/equipment that I would be able to record someone singing and make cd's out of it. A demo.

Can someone help me with what I would need to add to my computer to do so?

Wren Garrett
At the most basic level you will need a few thngs.

1. A computer (I assume tyou have one as you posted here. :) )
2. A soundcard - this will send all the audio into and out of your computer.
3. A Microphone - obvious
4. A preamp - a preamp "converts" the signal from the microphone to one that your sound card can use.
5. Monitors - essentially speakers to play your stuff back on
6. DAW software - DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) is the actual software that records the input form your microphone/soundcard.

Recomendations for the above:

Soundcard - you could use something as simple as a SoundBlaster. But most folks use a card specifically designed for recording such as those from EMU or M-Audio.

Microphone - Microphones can run the gambit as there are 100s of mics to choose from and they are all different. See the Mic forum and read the Big Mic thread sticky to get started to at least know what you are up against. It is like trying to buy a car and not knowing the difference between unleaded, diesel, manual, and automatic.

Preamp - Again, 100s of choices. Lower cost preamps can be had from M-Audio, Behringer, and ART. Though, you get what you pay for too.

DAW - The big boy packages are Sonar, Cubase, Samplitude, and a few others. For folks starting out, I recommend you look to n-track, Tracktion, or Mutiltrack Studio as they are ll relatively inexpensive and get the job done.

EDIT: Find the newbie forum here: