Help/opinion needed...


New member
Yeah, so, we're a fast punk rock band that sound kind of like Pennywise or something, just not that good. (not the point).

We recorded one of our originals, Phantom Phone Call, here at my house in the training room...

We used normal voc mics (all we had at the time) to record the drums then we mic'd the bass and guitar amps and the vox, then put it all together.

So I was wondering if any of you guys who listen to Pennywise, Strung Out, NOFX etc. can tell me what could be fixed (except for the drums, cuz I recently got drum mics so we're doing it over)...

Any help would be appreciated...

Please keep in mind it's the first recording i've ever done, and try not to
emotionally scar me :|

Here's the link: