help on Cubasis VST 4


New member
how do I get it to record 2 tracks simultainiously???

it won't let me more than 1 track at a time

I don't have your software but try looking under your audio setup. Check out the advanced options of your asio control panel. You may be able to arm extra tracks there.
cwr89 said:
how do I get it to record 2 tracks simultainiously???

it won't let me more than 1 track at a time


Try holding down the shift key then arm the second track.
I figured it out!

under the setting thing there was a button that said Multirecord

so it worked

the next problem was in the vst inputs, it said this:

PCI in L Activated VST in 1 L
PCI in L Activated VST in 1 R
PCI in R
PCI in R

so basically it was telling my my left was stereo... but I got it so it is working correctly

now it is the submixing that I need to learn
