Help needed with Cubasis VST 5 please


New member
I've just purchased a copy of Cubasis VST 5 in a sale to get me started with computer recording and I'm having a few problems with it. It's my knowledge I'm sure, not a hardware of software problem.
I'm trying to record a drum kit with 8 mics on it and I've got all the inputs of my soundcard (M-Audio Delta 1010LT) routed into the VST mixer and levels are showing for each channel / mic and I've got the "In" clicked above the fader and the tracks enables, but when I come to press record, only 1 track is recording, whichever track I'm clicked on in the main window. If anyone could let me know what I'm doing wrong and could point me in the direction of being able to record all 8 inputs at once it'd be appreciated.
its been a while since i have used vst5 so i could be wrong. try holding down the shift key as you select each track that you want to record then hit record once they are all highlighted.