Help needed ASAP! please!


New member
I *just* got the Audiosport USB Quattro to work - and only with N-track (as it is ASIO compliant). I'm a regular Cool Edit Pro user but a newbie to N-Track.

Here's the problem: I'm recording tomorrow morning!! (I got this working tonight).

I have a couple questions about n-track:

1. When using 4-track recording I am forced to use ASIO for both input and output. Is there any way to have n-track output via the quattro using ASIO but temporarily mix-down to 2 channels instead of outputting all 4? (In other words, i want a 2 channel monitor)

2. When I add a new channel to record and assign it a particular input (one of the 4 channels) - it seems that I can only assign a stereo signal (ie channels 1 and 2 per track, or 3 and 4 per track). Is there any way to record assign 1 mono input to an audio track in n-track? In other words, I would like each of the 4 inputs of the quattro to be recorded as 4 independent audio tracks. If they're recorded as pseudo-stereo, that's ok.

I'll be reading all the manuals tonight, but thought I would send this out in case.

1) I had this problem where the output of my aux busses was going to outputs 3&4 on my Delta44. Annoying. What I did to fix it was to limit the number of ASIO output channels to 2. This can be done by going into Preferences and clicking the "Wave Devices" button. Then somewhere in the Wave Devices screen is an advanced button or something where you'll find the option. I'm going from memory here so I could be mistaken.

2) In the Recording VU meter, you'll see a few buttons for each pair of inputs. One of them will allow you to setup the inputs, and you can choose between Stereo and Stereo->Two Tracks. Selecting the two track option will record a seperate track for left and right stereo inputs. You can then use the "enable/disable" button under each pair of recording VU meters do tell n-Track what to do with each input; that is, you can disable the left or right side of an input pair and set the other to record to a new track...or you can set both L&R to record to new tracks....etc.

Inputs and outputs are always thought of being in pairs, even though you're isolating them.

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