Help! Need the basics!


New member
Ok... first I explain what I have and then I'll explain what I would like to do which encompases two small goals.

I have a Fostex VF80 8 track digital recorder. With this, I record guitar, vocals, drum machine, bass, etc, etc... I'm "fairly" well versed with its use and can get a nice little mix.

What I do with it then is simply run it to the line in on my "default" soundcard and use Sonic Foundry to record the mix, save it as an mp3 and burn it or whatever. (I use Sonic Foundry in an EXTREMELY limited fashion, I only use it to record the track and fade things in and out) I don't manipulate the sound as it is just one stream of all of my mix.

HOWEVER,.... now, I have a delta 66 Soundcard AND an Omni i/o box. Everyone that I've talked to kept telling me that I was defeating the whole purpose of the "digital" recorder by using my default soundcard line in (which of course is correct). So I bought the Dela66 etc...

So far I get NOTHING.

All I would like to do is be able to simply record some tracks and mix them etc... as before, but with better quality due to the upgraded soundcard.

I don't need to do any heavy manipulating at this point.

I have Homestudio XL 2004 and it, so far seems next to impossible to understand.

I should also tell you that my understanding of Midi is ZERO minus 10,0000.

My ultimate goal would be to use software in the computer to do my recording with to gain more tracks and better control over each track in terms of effects etc... which would eventually place my VF80 on Ebay,...BUT... one step at a time I guess.

Any advice, help, or direction would be GREATLY appreciated.

Thank you all so much!
Well, your equipment sound adaquate enough to accomplish the goals you have mentioned. Your problem may lie in the lack of understanding of Home Studio XL, a Cakewalk product, no? If your hardware audio devices are recognized in Control Panel, and are avaiable as default soundcards, then the problem must be in the setup of your software, Home Studio. When you set up Home studio (devices), are your soundcards listed as options, have you selected them as defaults? Do you know how to arm a track for recording? When you say you "get nothing" what does that mean exactly?
