HELP!!! Need advice ASAP!!!


MAN! this is really beautiful.

I describe the sound as commanding. THe singer has a very commanding voice, and the guitar has a very commanding tone.

The recording is beautiful. Now I know you have some secrets.
The vocal is in a nice space. A very nice space. What did you use?

before I heard the vocal I was going to suggest more space on the guitar. Maybe a mixture of the warm, tight space you have on there now and some of the big hall the singer is in.

I should be getting pointers from you not the other way round.

If I have to nitpick though, I would say that the voice has maybe 1 db too much high frequencies, but it works.

This is a winner. I am downloading this one.

Funk on!
Thanks Cyan!

Not nitpicking at all..I respect every single opinion I receive.

Thank you very much 4 the good comments.

For the reverb I used the Sonitus Ultrafunk DX Plugin Pack (the reverb) wich I really use a lot, specially in vocals.

What I tried to acheive in this song is a sort-of inversion between guitar and vocal. This is, the guitar a little brighter and dry, and the vocals more muddy or low and reverberant.

Thanks man...



NB: Anyone else?
More comments?
and you know what,

that juxtaposed sound works very well for this song. Dont change it.

did you use any outboard compressors or limiters on this one?

Its so loud and crystal clear. I think this is the best I've heard on this board in a month or more.

really though. I have been listening to the song quite a bit and I do think the high boost on the vocals make it sibilant. I would not turn it down too much though.

Nice job and killer vocals!! Put that sucker on the CD!

I tend to focus on the guitar sound because that's my particular addiction. This sounds like the guitar is plugged in direct to the board (without a mic) and contrasts maybe too much with the vocals (which are superb). I find the piezo sound a little distracting, particularly when you're nailing it, and wonder if blending the guitar a little more "wet" might compensate. I'd love to hear this with a really clean mic'd guitar.

P.S. I'm downloading it as well. There's a tutorial in there...
Thank You Guys!!!

Hey Cyan...I just used Timeworks compressor in the main bus (Vegas from S. Foundry) and then I put it through T-Racks (4 you Ed and LongWave!

Treeline...Indeed, there is a line mic (Left side) and a Condenser (Right Side)... do you think it is too loud (line mic)?

Thank You Again!!!



NB: Cyan...just lowered the highs a bit in the voice...U were right...sure bet. Thank You Man...
Well, how about panning both guitar signals more towards the center? That would pull some to either side; the piezo isn't "bad" but it is out there. I think when you nail the instrument, the piezo signal gets stronger and overloads (or at least its character becomes "electric," not acoustic).
Great song!The sibilant "S" is dominant throughout the song and has the same effect as running fingers down a chalk board every time an "s" is pronounced.

Dont get me wrong, I LOVE this song ,but you asked for comments on the mix.Thats the only thing I can hear that really jumps out as not being a Mix that is not ready for commercial release.

If this is just a demo then disregard everything I've said.:-)
I think the dry guitar does clash with the reverberated vocals, and they need to "come from the same space" if you want maybe a tad of the same reverb, but maybe not so much. When the vocals come in, is when it is strange with reverb...kinda like a empty hall comes out of nowhere.

Being picky on the gtr playing...I hear a couple of areas where it sounds like you struggled a bit. Such as the very first opening lick...the VERY first one....and the very end 2:04+....the same lick?

I also hear what sounds like a big breath at :39 ...what was that?

I also hear some "swirling"...which sounds like noise reduction artifacts. Hopefully it is in the MP3 encoding only and not your file.

Very beautiful song and singing...
You are right...both of you

I had a hard time trying to control the sibilances...but IT IS a demo. anyway I would like to take them out...any suggestions?...I used a pop filter...but the singer is not too pro so he "huffed and puffed" all over the mic...

The reverb matter..was sort of intentional, but, it's true there is a couple of "slips" in the guitar loops here...just same mistakes in difficult

That IS a breath sound...the singer WANTED IT there and like that...he is also a drummer, so it was pointless to argue with him....hehehe...

Thanks, keep on posting...


A de-esser will clean up the vocal tracks of the sibilance.You can clean up individual tracks ,and in most cases clean the sibilance up transparently by de-essing a stereo mix if thats all you have to work with.
Re: You are right...both of you

The reverb matter..was sort of intentional, but, it's true there is a couple of "slips" in the guitar loops here...just same mistakes in difficult

I would rather hear "REAL" guitar playing with a few mistakes, than a lifeless loop of perfection anyday!:D