help! mpc autochromatic assignment


New member
basically im trying to get my keyboard synced up with my mpc but i cant figure this out. I read what it said in the manual about autochromatic assignment but it didnt do a very good job of explaining anything it just said how to set it up but not its purpose or how to incoporate it in sequencing. Basically i want to take a sound off my mpc and spread it across the keys on my keyboard and play a melody and record it over my drum pattern. Everytime i try this it creates a new program for the sound and i cant play back the original sequence and play over it. So i tried using drum 2 on the 1st program but then for some reason when i pressed record and played the melody it didnt play it back after i finished. so I need help with this thanks.
Please do not crosspost. It make it harder for everyone of us to follow the answers to your question.

well since there is no mpc board i didnt know where to post thjis so i posted it on 2 forums, whats the bigdeasl do you really care that much to make a post about it, and how does this make it harder to follow the answers?

Well, if Gigde (Just an example) answer to your post here and then SPINSTERWUN answer to your post in the other forum, then Buck62 reply here, then tubedude reply in the other forum, then... well the posts won't be at the same place so we have to follow two threads to know all the answers to your question. Also, for someone who has the same question you asked but he decides to search before asking he will look at one of the thread and will probably assume the other thread is empty since he thinks the you double posted. Also, it's annoying for us the older users :-)D) to wander through the forums and see the same post 3 or 4 times. Anyway, try to post once in the future. Don't post in the same question in another forum until 3 days (If your question is not answered where you posted it).

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to insult you but this is a rule here. I know, I've been told it by other members when I crossposted the first time :rolleyes:

Peace taz,