HELP! Midi/Audio Interface confusion...


New member
Hi, I've just joined this forum and I've got a feeling you might be my saving grace over the coming months and years. I'm starting to build up a home studio. I've been DJing for around 10 years now, had some minor production experience in the past, and even studied music at university - part business, part production & performance. I've got firends who have been producing for ages and whilst I've played around with their gear I'm only just in a position to start shopping myself. Problem is I really need a guiding hand when it comes to putting a suitable package together.

I'm running Cubase SX 2 on a Sony Vaio Laptop (Pentium 4 2.8GHz, 512mb RAM, loads of HD space internally & externally) and I'm looking at producing Drum & Bass and Breakbeat music primarily. I'm lookin at a fairly basic set up to start me off with most elements being software based. My biggest hurdle at the moment seems to be choosing a good interface which will suit my needs and work well on my chosen platform.

I've taken a look around and also had some brief advice already, and so far it seems to be a choice between...

- Tascam US122 (
- Behringer B-Control Audio BCA2000 (

Because of the music I'm focussing on live recording isn't a high priority, but it would be nice to have the capability. The BCA2000 is USB2.0, whereas the Tascam is just USB 1.1 and I have been wondering if that could cause latency problems later on? The Tascam also specifies any easy Direct Monitoring switch which could be useful to me since I might end up having my decks routed through the whole shebang for recording mixes... but then latency issues come up again of course!

As you can probably gather I'm a bit of a novice, so If anyone could give me advice I'd be VERY grateful. It's not that I know absolutely nothing, but I know little enough to worry about buying something which will be completely wrong in the end. Any comparison between the 2 would be great - how similar they are, the needs they meet, whether they're similar in application and ease of use or fields apart.... it would all be useful. Of course, any pointers on other interfaces of a similar price range which might suit my needs would be equally welcome.

Cheers :cool:
I have used a USB 1 interface before and didn't have any latency problems.

As far as those two interfaces go, I would pick the Behringer because I like faders. Also, only with the BCA2000 can you pan, mute, and solo tracks. I would recommend you check out the Tascam US-224. It's more comparable to the Beheinger and has many more features than the US-122 but is basically the same price (at least at And if you think you might need a couple more tracks than those allow, for $100 more you can get the US-424.

Hope that helps you out a little, but keep in mind I have never used any of those items so I can't comment on how well they work.

That's good to know mate, cheers :) I have seen the US-224 & 424 actually too, I'll take a better look now I think. Having the tactile properties of faders was one of the things which kept me thinking about the Behringer actually, and since you've pointed out the feature benefits to (Pan, Mute, etc) I think I might actually be looking between that model and the Tascams above.

Any other input would be really welcome, particularly if anyone has used or is using one of these devices. Also, if their are any good alternatives I'd also like to know of course ;) Thanks.
