Help me understand - got new soundcard


New member
Hi -

Well... I just got an Echo Mia soundcard today... I haven't installed it, and was about to, but a question hit me that I wanted to figure out before going ahead.

I have a keyboard (Motif 8) which I plan on plugging the L and R into one of the soundcard's stereo inputs using a Y adapter (I don't even know if that's right - that's just what the GC salesman told me).... now the sound from the keyboard will be coming out of the speakers which I connect to the soundcard's output (I plan on getting some decent monitors, budget around $500, but that's another matter).... my question is this - how will I be able to hear the keyboard (or other sound source) through those same monitors if the computer does not happen to be turned on? Or do I "have" to have the computer running for it to work? Or are there (likely) other options I'm unaware of?

Anyhow, if anyone could explain that would be great :)

-- David
if u connect your keyboard straight to the soundcard, u will need to on the computer.

if u have a small mixer in between, you can connect the keyboard to the mixer and sent the output to both your soundcard and monitors, that way you don't have to on the computer. :)

I'll try to help you. I have also the Mia card and I think it's a pretty decent one. In that case that you plug your keyboard (or anything) to your soundcard you'll have to have your computer on so that you'd be able to hear it from your monitors.

hope this helps.

Byt the way those two Mia inputs are balanced mono TRS inputs so if you want to get the L and R from your keys you'd have to hook those to both mia inputs.

You were a bit faster Leeking... What happend to your nice Behr.. Avatar?

And yes a little mixer would be very helpfull in this case

Riku said:
And yes a little mixer would be very helpfull in this case
esp a Behr.. mixer. ;)

Oh, I stop using the Behr.. avatar to avoid some legal issue... just kidding. ;)
I was considering getting a Behringer mixer (1604 or something like that, maybe smaller) so that would help with that issue then.

Are you serious though about having to use both inputs? Sheesh I read and asked all about it and no one ever mentioned that to me (including the salesman, not that one could expect them to know squat hehe)... I really want to at least be able to record 2 tracks at once sometimes (keyboard and vocal). It doesn't make it clear (at least in terms a newbie could understand) on the box, on their site, in any review I've read, etc that you have to use both inputs.... why is it that the stereo Y adapter won't work?

Ekk I hate being a noob :(

Should I return it? If so what other card/interface would suit my needs (under $300)?

Maybe I'm being an idiot wanting the 2 inputs at once... I don't "know" that I would use it that way, but I just "think I might".... advice?
yes the Y-thing should work. And yes you can record two mono tracks at the same time with Mia. Four in matter of fact if you have something nice hooked up to Mia spdif input. But if you want to record stereo track like it comes from your keyboard you'd have to use the both inputs.
You are right in using a Y-cable (stereo jack - 2 mono jacks) as the output of the keyboard should be a single stereo output.

Riku is also right that the mia has 2 mono input only.

SO if you wanna record the keyboard in stereo, you'll use both the soundcard input.

why would u wanna record keyboard and vocals at the same time... its better to do them seperately.

If for demo purposes only, u can always record the keyboard in mono and free up the other input for vocals.

OR, u can always upagrade ur card to a Delta44, 4 inputs. :)

I hope Riku don't beat me to this! ;)
Ok I think I'm followin ya

So here's basically what I should do (correct me if I'm wrong, as is likely hehe):
- Get a small mixer, and plug that in as stereo using both inputs
- Plug in all my stuff there.... say, 1-2 keyboards and a mic
- I can use each of the things that are plugged into the mixer one at a time, and I get them in stereo as intended (right? hoping hehe)
- I hear the output through my monitors whether the computer is on or off

If the above is true.... can you recommend the best, affordable mixer for my situation - and also... if I got an AudioBuddy preamp - how would that fit in? (I read that the pres in budget mixers aren't too great)


P.S. thats pretty funny with u two tryin to beat eachother to the post hehehe
Riku said:
Leeking Why there are no songs on your NowWhereRAdiosite?

I wanna hear your stuff man?


as a matter of fact, there is one, here's a direct link to it

it's my first recorded effort(2 years ago).... note: the extensive reveb/chorus on the vocals is a result of me time strenching it -20% when I find the song too slow and draggy.

anyway, check it out, BTW it's in Chinese! :)
Keyz316 said:
If the above is true.... can you recommend the best, affordable mixer for my situation - and also... if I got an AudioBuddy preamp - how would that fit in? (I read that the pres in budget mixers aren't too great)

I'll let Riku find in most of the answer.... :) just to add, the Audiobuddy will not help anything to your keyboard recording as you don;t need a preamp for that. But it'll serve u well to record vocals.

bang of the buck mixer for your keyboard routing would be a 8 channel behringer mixer ($100)

off course, u can always get a better mackie mixer and don;t need the Audiobuddy. :)

Keyz316 said:
P.S. thats pretty funny with u two tryin to beat eachother to the post hehehe
That just show how friendly and helpful people here are........... hey, wait a minute... AM I PAID TO DO THIS????!!!!:eek: :rolleyes: :D
Leeking said:

That just show how friendly and helpful people here are........... hey, wait a minute... AM I PAID TO DO THIS????!!!!:eek: :rolleyes: :D

I'm listening at "bei ma" sounds bad ass hard rock to me and yes it was in chinese.

And yes I get paid for this.... *working at the moment*:D
Riku said:
And yes I get paid for this.... *working at the moment*:D

me too! :)

well, it's 5.30pm in my part of the world now.... I am going off from work.

nice catching up with u Riku... see u guys around! :)
Ok.. so I should at least consider a better mixer and no audio buddy... of the lower cost Mackies (and Soundcraft?) which ones should I consider? I think used would be ok with me too if that would help me afford it (if it's that much better).

Also can you confirm for me my little "setup scenario" in my above post?

Thanks you guys for all your help - u da best :D