Help me set this thing up!!!!!!!!


New member
I have a Behringer MX802a mixer and a ECHO Mia 24/96 Soundcard. I also have a SM 58....... How would ya'll set this up????????????? I'm new at this and need help, PLEASE!
Ahhh....well, you plug your mic into the mixer. Set your trim or preamp, adjust your levels, plug your mixer out to the audio cards interface, Ahhh
Was this a trick question ??
The first thing I'd wanna do is refer to the manuals.
Na I'm talking about where to plug the 1/4 XLR cable into, I have an Echo Mia soundcard and the 802a..... Main L and R into what? in and out on the MIa? I have no clue... Do I run anything from sterio?? I don't know....... I have a SM - 58 and some headphones, thats all I'm running into the MIA. Just need to know how to do that
There is no such thing as an XLR 1/4" cable.

Plug the bus 1 and 2 or aux 1 and 2 outs from the mixer into the Mia's inputs and the outs of the Mia into the stereo ins of the mixer. Then plug the mic into a channel and buss or aux the mic into the card. Speakers go on the main stereo outs of the mixer.