Help me please!


New member
Okay, so I'm new to the whole mixer bizz and this is probably a noob question, but here it goes:

I've hooked my behringer xenyx1204usb mixer up to my laptop(stock sound card and recording with cool edit pro 2.0) and my mic, but when I record my vocals there is a lot of hiss- it also records and plays back hiss when I record with the mic off, all the levels at 0, and when the mica muted.

I've tried hooking it up differently which I read might help, but it didn't. I also tried using a different outlet, didn't help. I played with all the levels too, and still nothing.

So I guess my question is, can anyone please help me?
Thank you
Stock sound cards are frequently very loud and hissy, and so are some board preamps... which is why most people use an outboard interface with preamps on it to record instead of plugging a mixer into the stock sound card of a computer.
If you have the Xenyx connected via USB then it is your "soundcard" and is doing the AD/DA duties.

For recording and playback select the Xenyx as your input and output. Patch your monitors to the control room output of the Xenyx.

In another thread here somebody was saying they had hissing problems with the Xenyx when using an AC adapter to power their laptop and that the hissing went away when running on batteries. That might solve the hiss problem in your case too. If the hiss continues on battery I would return the Xenyx.

If you gotta have 4 mic inputs take a look at this.

M-Audio Fast Track Ultra |

If you can get away with two mic inputs check this out.

M-Audio FastTrack Pro |
I didn't even see the usb part. Are you connecting it through the USB port? Or are you going into the sound card of your computer?
Is the hiss actually on the track? you are recording with all levels down and mic down. the wave file should be empty - do you have the gain turned all the way up?
Unplugged the mixer or the mic? It sounds like your mixer or mic is bad OR you might just have your levels FUBAR