Help me please with connectivity


New member

I have QuataFire 610. And it says.

REAR PANEL: RCA type connectors for analog inputs 3&4 and outputs 1-4, S/PDIF coaxial I/O, 1/4 inch jacks for analog outputs 5-8, MIDI 2 in 2 out.

I want to connect a mixing console to this RCA inputs. With my QuataFire I can record two phantom powered tracks simultaniously. I would like to add two more tracks or at least one but also phantom powered. Is it possible to connect a mixing console to my card and put a condenser microphone to that mixing console. Would it work? Are RCA connectors made for connecting a mixing console?

thanks, Vasja
Yeah .... absolutely!
Depending on the output of the mixer you use (XLR, TRS or what not), you may need to use an adapter to convert to RCA. Unless of course the mixer offers RCA outputs. Then your good to go.
crankz1 said:
Yeah .... absolutely!
Depending on the output of the mixer you use (XLR, TRS or what not), you may need to use an adapter to convert to RCA. Unless of course the mixer offers RCA outputs. Then your good to go.

Are tape-in/tape-out RCA inputs OK?
Don't get freaked out by the shape of the plug. It's just 2 wires; there's no difference in the signal.

Radio Shack sells plug converters.
Well there is in fact a difference, because my XLR inputs are balanced and this two other RCA inputs are unbalanced. But I don't know how much this unbalanced signal affects the sound. Well in fact it goes like this.... I'm not an expert in home recording but at least I have this equipment:

AMD Duron, 1.80GHz, 512MB of RAM, Win XP
Sound card: ESI QuataFire 610
No mixing board
Microphones: Behringer B1 and ECM8000 and a Shure SM57

I would like to upgrade my stuff for one reason, I can't record with more than two microphones. And for a good sound at recording drums at least two mics are recommended. So what to buy? A preamp like M-audio Audiobuddy or an easy Mixer with phantom power? There is another thing, is an RCA input stereo or you need left and right part. I have two RCA inputs maybe for left and right signal.

thanks, Vasja
Yeah... if they are analog RCA inputs, they are each a single channel. So, Yes .... one for each Right and Left. A digital RCA connection, however, is two channels but thats another story.
I don't know about the soundcard/interface you have, but it's likely that it treats those RCA inputs as two mono inputs and offers some form of panning via it's software mixer applet to achieve Right/Left separation.
Also, I wouldn't bang your head up much on the balanced/un-balanced bit. It won't effect the audio quality. Just keep un-balanced cable lengths under 20 feet.
The options for adding phantom powered preamps are wide open. A stand-alone preamp or a mixer are both viable options.