Help me not blow 600 bucks

Good Friend said:
actually its a digital crapper that makes blues look extra blue thats why the bag looks so strange (greenish).

So anyways i dont think the brakes are bad in the 38. They are fast to react and they never seem to be interfering but i could be wrong cause im new. I am only considering the reel motor replacement because he is offering me a free one he bought from tascam a little while ago that he doesnt need. So i got all psyched.

PS i know this picture doesnt really fit with this thread but i just thought id kill some time here at work.

Naa, it's a cool photo, 70's color style. ;)

Again, all symptoms point to electronics. At the same time, I'd grab that freebie motor from your friend, even if you won't use it on this 38.

How much did you spend on that 38 ?
38 costs

I paid about 500 for it a few years ago cause the ebay seller claimed everything worked and that it was perfect. But when i got it it needed a new belt and a new pinch roller. Ive used it but not abused it and i clean it after every time i use it. I also use a teac demagger here and there. It always worked ok but lately its acting up and the symptoms have mutated twice already. When one symptom stops a different one starts. Its useable for sure, but i fear that its not in ideal condition and i know that it will either break soon, or the problem will strain another component or system within it and cause a bigger problem.

Its tough to find reel to reels locally. Arizona sucks man. I know everyone says that about their home town. But it REALLY sucks here. There is no music scene and not many music stores either. Ebay killed the last few used music stores that had any really good shit. It used to be you could go into a music store here and find a wall of vintage strats, gibsons, and whatever else. Now, they just sell that on ebay and leve the store front for mommies and daddies shopping for juniors first no name piece of junk. Which i understand from a business point of view, but for me i used to love going down to see what new crazy old stuff i could find. You know who benefits most from ebay? Not the store owner, not the customer, its UPS and shipping companies. Here i am, with money, not buying things cause it has gotten to where its over the internet or nowhere. And i dont like it.

Ill still look for a local 34b though. Im psyched about the features and the simplicity.
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Ok, so that's why you call it "assland", I guess? ;)

I second your motion for a nice 4 track recorder. I'm really a fan of those 'cause it's much more simple to get things done, 1/4" tape is cheap, 2 speeds, has better S/N ratio (result of less tracks) and it really gets you thinking, when faced with only 4 tracks. Call me crazy but I'd prefer 2, 4 track machines than one 8 track wonder. ;)

Whatever you do, I personally advise against your earlier thought of shipping the 38 to get it fixed. I also would only work on the recorder if you know exactly what you're doing. Otherwise, use it till it craps out on ya or sell it or keep it for parts.

I also underline the importance of viewing a recorder in person and doing a local pickup, even if it's in another state and looks yummy enough. ;)
Good Friend said:
Well i checked the link and there is no tascam service center in Arizona.

4 Records Found

Repair Facility Type: GENERAL REPAIR
Business Name: AUDIO WIZARD, INC.
Address: 8120 E. McDOWELL RD., #2
State: AZ
Zip: 85257
Phone: 480-946-7164


Repair Facility Type: GENERAL REPAIR
Address: 2801 E. MCDOWELL RD.
State: AZ
Zip: 85008
Phone: 602-275-0654


Repair Facility Type: GENERAL REPAIR
Address: 2445 E. THOMAS ROAD
State: AZ
Zip: 85016
Phone: 602-956-4199


Repair Facility Type: GENERAL REPAIR
Address: 41 W. MAIN
City: MESA
State: AZ
Zip: 85201
Phone: 480-461-3194

Also check neighboring states if you are near a border. Try it without the zip code... I think there must be a bug in the program. Just search the whole state.
Great info by Tim Beck and I'd def give those guys a shout but I'd also ask (first) for references and be absolutely certain they know tape recorders like the back of their hand. If in doubt go somewhere else. Unfortunately there's too many criminals and incompetents willing to take your money, to take this lightly.

That one on there, "M-troniks" or whatever, will hold your stuff for forever and charge you a fortune, A friend of mine brought his 4 track there and they kept it so long he just never went back to get it.
That brings up another positive about Arizona... you can openly carry a holstered side arm. I suggest you wear it when you bring your machine in. It wouldn’t hurt to get the Billy the Kid laugh down as portrayed by Emilio Estevez in Young Guns. Also, when you bring the unit in talk to yourself a lot, mumbling things like, “I’ll make you famous.”

It couldn’t hurt.

I have that David Bowie 'Oh By Jingo' album, aka "The Man Who Sold the World". That "Oh By Jingo" cartoon cover was the Mercury pressing/release, before RCA got the Bowie catalog. I always thought that particular (Mercury) album had too fine a cut groove on the record, which resulted in poor hifi and the needle skipping outta the groove. The RCA release of "The Man Who Sold the World" is a much better sounding album with deeper and more robust grooves, though it's a great and classic Bowie album almost any way you slice it.

True audiophiles would lambast you for the way you're tossing your records around, & leaving them sitting all over the room. Luckily there are no true audiophiles on this board! :eek: ;)
Good Friend said:
That one on there, "M-troniks" or whatever, will hold your stuff for forever and charge you a fortune, A friend of mine brought his 4 track there and they kept it so long he just never went back to get it.

Yes, you have to be careful who you bring it to. I had one place hold a preamp for over a month just for an estimate. I don't think they did a thing with it til the day I told them I was coming to get it. Even though I called every 5 days. Some of those places have no problem taking your deposit to do nothing but hope you don't come back to get it. I'd tell anywhere you go you want an estimate within a few days or you want your deposit back. Tell them you already have a place to "store" it. And then show up in person to get it and don't call ahead of time.

Yeah i never really knew for sure the name of the record i just own it and love it. My friends and i just always called it "Jingo" for some reason. I dont even know what year it is but ive played it hundreds of times. There are some great sounding recorded instruments on that album. And i dont mean great as in high fidelity or even clarity, i mean great tonally. To me for my particular taste, the greatest something can sound is when its as peculiar tonally as possible before it becomes detrimental to the song as a whole, or it gets too harsh frequency wise. I try to ride the line when recording my own tunes. There are enough songs with perfect shimmering acoustic guitars. I want to hear it close miced in weird places sometimes. I get excited when i hear strange tones, everything cant be strange in a mix cause then theres no sonic anchor, but i like weird sounds and i always will seek it out and i dont see myself changing anytime soon. And its a gift really, cause i dont need a 3000 Martin to get an interesting sound.