Help me deside what to buy next! (Studio Gear)


New member
I'm really new to the world of home recording, but I really want to get started. The gear I currently own is drum mics!
Now here's the problem:
I don't know what to buy next! Should I go for a harddisc recorder? Or a computer based system?

I would really want it to be portable.
I've been thinking about the AW1600 for a while, and it looks really nice. On the other hand it's not that easy to expand, and you have to work on a tiny lcd screen.
I've been thinking about getting a Presonus firepod (I need atleast 8 mic preamps) and a 2nd hand laptop. This is a great solution, but the problem is the latency problems with computers, and the crackling and sudden stops/crashes. I would have to get a really powerful machine, now wouldn't I?

So I ask you guys for some help! What should I do? I'm completely lost, and I'm on a budget! I don't want to spend too much money, but I want decent results, and I don't want to record on a computer that doesn't allow me to trust it.

I've been thinking about an iBook 1,33 ghz, but I don't know if that's powerful enough?

Help me out here! All feedback is appreciated! :)
Hello again, Zorlee!

Back again with what's basically the same question.

Your iBook would do fine for the short run, but once you factor in the cost of a capable interface and software you're back to most of the cost of an AW1600.

If you have money to spend and the fact that the AW1600 is 'it's not that easy to expand, and you have to work on a tiny lcd screen.' really bothers you, then by all means go the computer route.

If you want a powerful recorder that's portable and trustworthy, get the AW1600. If you want to enter the big world of computers and soft synths go the computer route.
Hehe, thanks again! :)
Sorry, I don't mean to spam or anything. It's more that I get very frustrated by all these choises... And it's so much money involved - I really don't want to spend my money on the wrong gear!
I just don't know how some of guys can do this stuff without at least a little stand alone mixer. I had a Mackie CR1202? way back then sold it, then realized I couldn't live w/o one and then bought the 1202 VLZ (in addition to my main board)

Those new Onyx 1220 & 1620 with the firewire look to me like an excellent starting point for nice quality recordings plus are totally mobile, small and even have a talkback mic! To me it's essential that I can just grab a rig and do somehting live without dragging a pc with me for live recordings 2-track or 8-track (adat) or general PA use. Everyone has differenct purposes. What are your's exactly?
Zorlee said:
I've been thinking about an iBook 1,33 ghz, but I don't know if that's powerful enough?

If I were you, I'd save up and buy a MacBook Pro (or an Intel iBook whenever those actually come out). The iBook G4 is an okay machine, but with the CPU spike issues that some FirePod owners have reported with G4 PowerBooks, I'd be a little worried about recommending it for what you plan to do with it, at least with 10.4. (If you can find a used one running 10.3, go for it, and wait to upgrade to 10.4 until that problem gets fixed.)

That said, if you do go with a used G4 iBook, I'd wait at least a few days to see if the recent rumors (,,, etc.) prove correct. If an Intel iBook does come out in their predicted time frame, that would probably be a good time to buy a used one, since there would presumably be more of them on the market, and thus they'd be available at a lower price point... maybe....
Yeah, I've been thinking about the more expensive versions, but they tend to be a bit too pricy!
I'm looking at a 12" iBook 1,33 ghz G4 with 1 gb ram... Can I record/mix fine with that machine?
I want to be able to record up to 8 tracks at the same time..
I'm going to use the computer for recording mostly, maybe do some homework on it and watch a movie or two, but mostly recording...

Thanks in advance :)
You guys have been such a great help for me! I'm sorry if I'm annoying with all these questions..
for the record, i love me some mac, but if i were in the market to buy (new) at this point..... i'd deffinately get one of the intel macs.